

"They dont care about you, at all, at all, at all!" -- George Carlin.

if you can stomach facing the horror of this....
"This is a unification issue"
"40 million people a year are trafficked" "it's a 150 billion a year industry"
"5.5 million children every year are trafficked around the world, most dont live past 7 or 8"
#RapedAndTortured #Pedophillia #HumanTrafficking #Malignancy #AbsolutePowerCorruptsAbsolutely #notapedophileapsychopath #Psychopathy #ControlledNarrative #StockholmSyndrome #Deranged #Detatched #ChildAbuse #ChildSexSlaves #Predators #Underclass #FaceTheHorror #DivideAndConquer #NoStrongManComingToSaveYou #HumanRights #ChildrensRights #AbuseOfHumanRights #Censorship #deception #division #consent #WeCanENDThis " #Yaughting " #Love #Mendwards #Identification #Abuse #Traumas
"look at #pedogate2020, watch #outofshadows" and #AChildsVoice if you can find it.
"seek the truth. dont wait for them to tell you."
"First, learn about Alice Miller and her work: #DramaOfTheGiftedChild #ForYourOwnGood #TheBodyNeverLies. Those 3 books right there, are paramount to understanding the lingering effects of harmful parenting. And we're not just talking about mom saying a bad word to us. I'm talking about systemic abuse that is in the home, that is carried within us for a very long time, and we tell ourselves a story that mom and dad did the best they could. And half of that is true. Because if they had known what they were doing to you at the time, they would have stopped. I hope.
The second thing, is to #Learn #EFT. #EmotionFreedomTechnique. It was developed by #CarlDawson and it has now been integrated into #MatrixReImprinting. You can go on youtube and look up the videos there. This is something you can do yourself. There's also something called #Havening by ~PaulMcKenna. These are all on youtube. But EFT and Matrix-Reimprinting by Carl Dawson ~ And there's many many practitioners out there now~ and what this thing is ~ I've done it myself ~ It takes the emotions of the past, and the thoughts associated with them, the anger the rage, the depression, the sadness, which we often burry, or get busy with doing something else, and breaks the connection permanently. This is a technique that has cured people with #PTSD for over 20 years, #ManicDepression, in 60 seconds, has been cured permanently, for people who have been on every single drug. And there's endless testimonies to this. And there's practices of wide demonstrations of this being done on people. It is a beautiful thing. And i is the thing that we need to begin to change our brains. To change the way we think. And to open our minds to a loving heart, that each and every one of us is born with. Because we have a battle ahead. We are going to have a lot of human carnage that we dont see yet, having manifested, because of the #Horrors that have been sewn into #Society, and our children, that are being summoned by this #energy, this #negativeenergy, this #anger. And they're going to be pulled from themselves even further, and given a righteousness to act in violence against their fellow human beings.
I cannot tell you the depths of how far this goes. I can only point you in one direction. If you look up Ronald Bernard, and his testimony, in the International Tribunal of Justice, in 2018. It's about a 33 minute video, it will tll you the entire time that we're living through right now. And it is very important. And there is a message of love and #hope in there."

"We have to start learning: We cannot be caught in this division anymore. The people who that are the doing the division, know very well, how to make you angry. And you have to say that's about enough. And when you do, and when this world comes together, against these #monsters. They will have no more power, because the only weapon that they have is fear. And that's how they get to these kids, they give them fear, and they put fear into them, and they keep them controlled through fear, and they do exactly that with you, through the #Television, through #TheMedia, through your #Politicians, through all these institutions to cause you #despair and anger and negativity, where argue amongst each other."

