

Second try, this time with correct formatting. I'm trying to set up a bridge to a static IP on Linux, for a VM. Unfortunately #netplan and I (or is it #YAML and I?) don't get along very well. I've sent the config through two validators, both agreed it was valid code, but netplan still complains. I really dislike it when a config file needs specific indentation and the "compiler" does not give a correct response - because the problem may very well be elsewhere, as I noticed in the process of disliking netplan even more. Here is the config:
- to: default
stp: true
forward-delay: 4

And this is the error message for which I really can't find a solution:

/etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml:22:5: Error in network definition: expected mapping (check indentation)
- to: default

Does anyone have a suggestion? It is very likely NOT what the error message says...

David Aparicio | AWS Infinidash Certified 🚀 auf Twitter: "Ceci n'est pas le #DNS (This Is Not a DNS) #facebookdown #BGP #YAML #DevOps #hugops #Facebook #instagramdown #whatsapp https://t.co/RUVFyTP7ip" / Twitter
