

UK must prepare for ‘no deal’ Brexit, says PM Boris Johnson

The United Kingdom must prepare for a no-deal breakup with the European Union unless there is a “fundamental” change of position from the bloc, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned.

He said on Friday that the EU was refusing to give the UK what it wants – a trade deal like the one it has with Canada.

Johnson was responding to EU leaders, who said at a Brussels summit on Thursday that the UK needs to shift its positions to make an agreement possible.

“As far as I can see they have abandoned the idea of a free trade deal … Unless there is a fundamental change of approach, we are going to go for the Australia solution,” he said in London.

Australia has no comprehensive trade deal with the EU. ...

In related news, @Joerg Fliege is shocked, shocked.


#Brexit #UK #BorisJohnson #YourWinningsSir #NoDeal