

Bit of a #Rant, #USPolitics, #Abortion, #StrongOpinion, #YouveBeenWarned

Every aspect of abortion bans conflicts with established law, precedent, and our nation's founding principles.
* I am not a medical professional - so why am I being asked to make a medical decision for women I've ever met, whose circumstances I do not know, and about which I am not qualified to make?
* Our nation was founded on principles that include religious freedom; that means no state religion. "When does humanity begin?" is a theological question, and the basis for "Abortion is murder" is based on the theological answer to that question. Any law forbidding an action based on this philosophy is a state-enforced religious edict, one that violates the religious liberties of anyone who disagrees.
* (This one is a personal opinion) Jesus taught us to forgive our neighbors and explicitly told us not to judge them. Banning abortion is making several judgments: that those people whom we have not met, whose circumstances we do not know (I know I'm repeating myself here) aren't fit to decide their own life choices, and that we must punish them if they disobey our religion, that they aren't even a part of. Therefore, IMO every abortion ban is the work of the antichrist.

My religion says that agency is a critical aspect of the human experience on Earth. So I refuse to vote to remove women's agency and will always vote to preserve the life, liberty, and human rights of women in this country.