

The entire western world is breaking down into lawlessness and chaos, and the cities of America are the worst hit.

#Squatters are stealing homes all across the blue cities and states, with 1,200 homes in Atlanta now being seized by squatters. Police can do nothing, as "squatter's rights" make a mockery of the rule of law.

Meanwhile, #China is building vast armies of terminator #robots, which will sweep across America as a "cleanup crew" after civil war 2.0 runs its course and millions are dead.

We cover all this and more - including an interview with John Perez about finance, silver and crypto - in today's Brighteon Broadcast News

#Zounds: #Dirty-Squatters


#GreatWhiteHunter by #Zounds #punk #music
I am the Great White Hunter
And you know I've come to search
Just to further human knowledge
All for science and research

And if by chance I bring back
What I am looking for
They'll be someone somewhere waiting
With their fingers round a purse

I am the missionary christian
I'm taking bibles to the blacks
Oh I am spreading western culture
And I'm collecting all the tax

I'm taking whiskey to the natives
??? you'll see
Oh 'cause a market's just a market
Working for the bourgeoisie

But don't associate me with them no more
I may be the same color but I am sure
I'm not like them and I never will
Condone the things they do and the reasons that they kill

Well I will murder baby seals
And I'll sell their skins for gold
I'll murder injun's in the jungle
Just to make way for a road
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And I will fight guerrilla armies
All for profit, not for cause
I'll sell arms to rival armies
And make profit from their wars

But don't associate me with them no more
I may be the same color but I am sure
I'm not like that and I never will
Condone the things they do and the reasons that they kill

Oh well! I am the Great White Hunter
Oh yes! I am the great exploiter
Oh yes! I am the great destroyer
Oh yes! I am the Great White Hunter

But don't associate me with them no more
I may be the same color but I am sure
I'm not like them and I never will
Condone the things they do and the reasons that they kill