

#Punarvasu #Nakshatra: This Nakshatra #tree is called #Bambool. Astrologers think that by eating a handful of this tree’s leaves, natives can quickly welcome good fortune. Additionally, keeping its twig close by would be beneficial.

As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Punarvasu Nakshatra is Planet #Jupiter. It looks like a Quiver of Arrows. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Aditi. The gender of this star is male. If you belong to Punarvasu constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.



#ADITI: The #Boundless #Goddess, #Mother of the #Adityas (The #Rig #Vedic #Gods)
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#Aditi is not known for having a specific function, and unfortunately not much is known about her personality and her appearance is not described, besides being “Red hued like a dappled mare”. One thing we do know is that she is a supremely #ancient goddess, being the mother of the Rig Vedic pantheon. The circumstances of her #birth are certainly #mysterious.

The contradictory verses suggest she is not just a singular goddess, but rather a #ethereal #presence, an ancient #soul that #pervades the #various #realms, changes form at will, and perennially comes again to take birth.

In the Rig Vedic times she was called Aditi, the Boundless Goddess, in the Puranic times she was called #Adi #Shakti, the #Primordial #Power. Again she was born as the daughter of Daksha, taking the form of #Sati / #Parvati, the #wife of #Shiva. Today, #Shakta Hindus call her "Mother of the Universe", or simply, " #Mother". #maa


20°00" Gemini (Mithuna) to 3°20" Cancer (Karkata)
#Guru #Nakshatra #Punarvasu #Aditi
The 7th Nakshatra: PUNARVASU.
The four quarters are ruled by:
Mangala (Mars) - the 1st quarter,
Shukra (Venus) - the 2nd quarter,
Buddha (Mercury) - the 3rd quarter,
and Chandra (Moon) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
The Purushartha (life's vector) is Artha.
Totem animal is #Cat (female).
Symbol - a bow or a house.
Devata (Deity) - Aditi.
Dosha - Vata.

This is the 7th Nakshatra of zodiac, spanning from 20°00' in Mithuna to 3°20' in Karkata. The planet of wisdom, Jupiter, rules this Nakshatra. Its first three-quarters fall in the Mithuna while the last quarter falls in Karkata. Those born in this Nakshatra have the spirit to rise from the ashes. Hence it is not possible to keep these people always in a subdued position for long. These people have a good height and an oval face. They tend to be obese in their later age.

These people have a firm faith in god and they are religious in nature and behavior. Their faith in religion sometimes even makes them dogmatic. But they are law-abiding and will not participate in any illegal or anti-social activities. Their needs are limited and they lead a simple life. They know how to hide their thoughts and true feelings. They also like to help the needy. Females born in this Nakshatra are calm but tend to get into arguments to exhibit their intelligence. This may give rise to disputes with other family members.

These people can work well in fields like accountancy and company law matters, computer programming and banking, editing and newspaper related jobs and any kind of brokerships. A characteristic feature is that these people tend to do their businesses in partnerships.

Punarvasu born respect their elders and teachers. Many times, they marry twice in life. But they do not have a frictionless married life and this causes them a lot of mental stress. They enjoy a good health and hence, even the slightest disruption in their health gives them some anxious moments, which generally results in further mental stress and anxiety.

Male Natives

  1. Physical features: handsome, long highs and long face. Some identification mark on the face or on the backside of the head.

  2. Character and general events: the native has complete faith in God. He is religiously inclined. Initially he will have good behavior but later on according to the circumstances he changes his behavior. Therefore, others have to be careful while approaching him. It is very difficult to know his inner thought. He is contended with little but at the same time he is hot tempered. He sticks to ancient tradition and belief.

He will not stand a party to any illegal activities and will try to resist others from doing so. He does not like to cause trouble to others, on the other hand he tries to help the needy. He will lead a simple life.

  1. Education, sources of earning/profession: he can shine and get success in almost all the subjects except in partnership business. He can attain much name and fame as a teacher or as an actor. Writer, physician etc. Period up to 32 years of age will not be so good. Hence he should not involve himself in any major business till 32 years of age. He may not be in a position to accumulate wealth but he can attain public honor. The main reason why the native is not in a position to accumulate wealth is lack of business trick and straightforwardness. One peculiar expression can be seen in his face i.e. an innocent and frustrated looking.

  2. Family life: he is the most obedient child of his parents. He respects his father and mother as also his teacher. His marriage life may not be good. He may either divorce his wife or another marriage, even while the first wife is alive. In case he does not go for the second marriage the health of the spouse will give a lot of problems and mental agony. However, his spouse will have all the qualities of a good housewife. Frequent friction between other family members will take place. All these simultaneous problems will lead to mental wreckage.

  3. Health: While there may not be any serious health problem, even the slightest problem will be a cause of concern for him. He drinks lot of water. He has strong digestion.

Female Natives:

  1. Physical features: her eyes are red, curly hair, sweet speech and high nose.

  2. Character and general events: while she will generally have a calm nature, she has argumentative tongue, which will lead her into frequent friction with her relatives and her neighbors. However, she is charitable and shows respect. She will have many servants. On the whole she will be leading a comfortable life.

  3. Education, sources of earning/profession : She is fond of music, gets mastery over dances.

  4. Family life: Her husband will be most handsome man.

  5. Health: She cannot enjoy good health. This is mainly due to her non-care nature about her health. Jaundice, tuberculosis, goiter and pneumonia, stomach upset and ear trouble.


#Punarvasu #Nakshatra
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“The Star of Renewal”

#Shakti (Power)

Vasutva Prapana Shakti (The Power to “Gain or Receive Objectives or ability to Gain Wealth and Substance”)

Symbol: “Bow and Quiver (Case that Contains the Arrows) of Arrows”, “A House or Abode”

Deity: Aditi (Mother of the Demigods, the Goddess of Earth, Harvest and Produce. She is Boundless, Vast and Limitless like the Sky. She Embodies Infinity and the Primordial Vastness. She is the Goddess of Protection, Forgiveness, Wealth and Abundance. She is the Nurturing Mother and Protector of Children. She is the Earth Goddess who tends the Ground on which Healthy Seeds can Bear Fruit)

Key Themes

Technocrats, Innovation, Inventions
Hotels, Real Estate Revival and Renewal
Philanthropists, Ecologists, Preservers, Recyclers
Musicians, especially Violinists, Guitarists
Video Player

Elements connected to Punarvasu Nakshatra
Deity #Aditi
Symbol Bow and Quiver of Arrows
Planet #Jupiter
Purushartha Artha
Gana Deva
Varna Vaishya (Merchant)
Element Apas (Water)
TriMurthi Brahma (Create)
Animal Female #Cat
Bird Swan)
Tree Bamboo
Sound Kay, Kho, Haa, Hee
Bit lines about Punarvasu Nakshatra

Aditya: Demon God, Maha Bali – Given a boon about him – Vamana story 3 feet’s.

Lord Shriram – Relationship of Wife, More Brothers, Twins of Lav and Kusha

Key Points

There are 8 Asta Vasus (Lord Maha Vishnu)
Vasu means good. Brings a light gain.
Brining something new to life.
Lord Shri Rama – Lagna and Chandra in this Nakshatra.
More male children or more brothers.
Aditi is mother of gods, big family, large clubs, and societies.
Lord Shri Ram have two sons, lav kusha like castor is immortal twin. Gemini also twins.
If 7th lord afflicted chances of dual marriages.
Reversal of fortunes. Rats to riches, riches to rats.
Committed recyclers
Chara Nakshatra – Moving , Love my pillow, 4th + 12th connection
Writing, Signing, Motherly care etc.

Favourable: Travel, Exploration, Pilgrimage, Imagination, Innovation, Installation of Altars, Worshipping the Mother Goddess, Child Care, Buying Homes and Cars, Agriculture, Gardening, Starting Work in a Building, Marriage, Education, Meditation, Fresh Start for Relationships, Projects and Activities, Weddings, Healing, Beginning Education, Beginning Construction or Laying a Foundation, Imagination, Spirituality, Teaching, Working with Children, Buying a Home or Vehicle

Unfavourable: Lending, Borrowing, Law, Legal Matters, Conflict or Aggressive Action

Star: Punarvasu

Rasi (Zodiac): Gemini/ Cancer

Range: ‘020 00’ Gemini- 03o 20’ Cancer

Padas: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Meaning : The “Two Restorers of Goods or Two Chariots”, “Good Again”, “Wealthy Again”, “Prosperous Again”, “Light Again” or “the Return of the Light”

Indication: “The Star of Renewal”

Body Part: The Fingers, The Nose

Guna (Quality): Sattwa

Gana (Race): Deva (Divine, God-Like Dispositions)

Purushartha (Goal): Artha (Wealth or Material Pursuits)

Tridosha: Vata (Wind or Air + Space)

Nature/ Category of Star: Chara (Movable, Changeable)

Varna (Caste): Vaishya (Merchant)

Gotra (Clan): Kratu (name translates as the “One who Inspires”)

Direction: North

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element) : Apas (Water)

Basis Above: Air or Wind

Basis Below: Moisture or Rain

Desire: To Produce Herbs and Tree

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Revitalisation of Plants

Activity: Passive

TriMurthi (Process) : Brahma (Create)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Tiryanga Mukha (Looking Straight/ Facing Forward/Level)

Yoni (Gender): Female

Animal Symbol: Cat

Bird: Swan, Peacock

Sounds: Kay, Kho, Haa, Hee

Tree/ Plant: Velu, Venu Vruksha, Bamboo (Latin Name: Bambusa Arundinacea)

Colour: Lead


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#Punarvasu #Nakshatra – Favorable Activities
Fresh start in relationships, activities; projects,

buying home
construction of the building
gardening and agriculture
imagination; meditation;
worship of the goddess
beginning healing;
beginning education;
beginning construction and laying a foundation;
pilgrimages; travelling;
teaching and working with kids,
buying a house or vehicle.
Punarvasu Nakshatra – Unfavorable Activities
conflicts or aggressive actions
Borrowing and landing activities
law related work
Punarvasu Nakshatra Natives – Positive Traits
successful in handling projects
Social involvement in all activities
well behaved
motivational speaker
a good writer
Punarvasu nakshatra natives have a very accommodating nature. They are contended in life. This can make them complacent.

They are religious and peace loving. They have innocent and straightforward nature. Hence they are not suitable for doing business.

This nakshatra nature is like a climber who needs support. Likewise, Punarvasu nakshatra natives perform well when supported.

They are sensitive, caring, loving and nurturing by nature. They are religious and respect elders. They are generous. They are strongly against malpractices. They are content and happy by nature. Their speech is inspiring. They are spiritual and are pure at heart.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Natives – Negative Traits
unstable relationship
Lacking in intellectual ability
lacking in thinking about realistic life
frequent illness
complications in life
They can become complacent. They find it difficult to achieve material success. They may frequently move their abode, change their careers. Its not easy for Punarvasu natives to settle down in life.

Punarvasu Nakshatra – Careers
Civil Engineer
drama, acting,
spiritual leaders,
Quick Information about Punarvasu Nakshatra
Punarvasu Nakshatra English Name : Pollux
Punarvasu Nakshatra Symbol: Arrow, Abode
Punarvasu Nakshatra Lord: #Jupiter
Punarvasu Nakshatra Rashi: 20.00 in Gemini to 3.20 in Cancer
Punarvasu Nakshatra Gana: Deva (God-Like)
Punarvasu Nakshatra Diety: #Aditi (mother of Gods, Godess of Harvest)
Number of Stars in Punarvasu Nakshatra: 4
Punarvasu Nakshatra Yoni / Animal: Female Cat
Punarvasu Nakshatra Nadi: Antya
Punarvasu Nakshatra first pada: name first letter is “Kay”, pada Lord ‘Mars’
Punarvasu Nakshatra second pada: name first letter is “Ko”, pada Lord ‘Venus’
Punarvasu Nakshatra third pada: name first letter is “Ha”, pada Lord ‘Mercury’
Punarvasu Nakshatra fourth pada: name first letter is “Hee”, pada Lord ‘Moon’
The word ‘PunarVasu’ is made of two words – ‘Punar’ and ‘Vasu’. Punar means again. ‘Vasu’ means ‘God Like’. Hence ‘Punarvasu’ literally means, becoming God-like again.

“Punarvasu (पुनर्वसु) Nnakshatra” is 7th Nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras in astrology. Its 3 padas fall in Gemini and one pada falls in Cancer. Pumarvasu means ‘Becoming god-like again’ Punarvasu Nakshatra symbol is arrow. Animal associated with Punarvasu Nakshatra is a cat. Punarvasu Nakshatra godess is ‘Aditi’. Punarvasu Nakhsatra is ‘Dev’ Gana Nakshatra. Punarvasu Nakshatra lord is Jupiter. Punarvasu Nakshatra tree is bamboo. This is the birth nakshatra of Lord Rama.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Rasi / Rashi
Punarvasu Nakshatra Rashi is Gemini (Mithuna Rashi) and Cancer (Karka Rashi). Punarvasu nakshatra spans from 20.00 in Gemini to 3.20 in Cancer. Hence 3 padas of Punarvasu nakshatra are in Gemini Sign. One pada of Punarvasu nakshatra is in Cancer Sign.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Symbol
There are two symbols associated with Punarvasu Nakshatra. One symbol of punarvasu nakshatra is an Arrow and the other is abode This indicates resettling of the person.

Symbol is Punarvasu Nakahtratra is an arrow. Arrow is associated with motion in space. Punarvasu nakshatra natives have many such arrows (abilities) with which they can get things done. This is one symbol of Punarvasu Nakshatra.

The other symbol of punarvasu nakshatra is abode. It is observed that Punarvasu Nakshatra natives move away from their birth place. Punarvasu brings peace after the wrath storm.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Lord
The lord of Punarvasu nakshatra is ‘Jupiter’. Jupiter makes Punarvasu natives knowledgeable and cultured.

Diety of Punarvasu Nakshatra

The diety of Punarvasu nakshatra is “Aditi”, who prepares the ground for sowing. Aditi is the mother of Gods (12 Adityas). Aditi makes Punarvasu natives sensitive and nurturing.

Aditi is also the godess of abundance. Aditi (Sanskrit: “The Boundless”) means limitless or boundless space.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Animal
Punarvasu nakshatra animal is ‘Female Cat’.

Click here to Read More about Animals associated with Nakshatras.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Padas
Like every other nakshatra, Punarvasu nakshatra is divided into 4 padas. The first 3 padas of punarvasu nakshatra fall in Gemini and the fourth pada falls in Cancer. The characteristics and luck of native depends on the nakshatra pada in which he is born.

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 1
Punarvasu Pada 1 Ruling Planet Mars
Punarvasu Pada 1 Keyword Innovation
Punarvasu Pada ‘Sound’ Kay
Punarvasu Nakshatra first pada is ruled by Mars as it falls in Aries Navamsha. Due to influence of Mars, the Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 1 is adventurous and pioneering. Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 1 Natives have the influence of Jupiter and Mars. Hence, their focus is working in a group for attaining goals. This pada makes a person talented and a go getter. These natives can become impatient at times.

The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 1 is “Kay”. Hence babies born on “punarvasu nakshatra pada 1” are given names starting with the “Kay’. Details of punarvasu nakshatra pada 1 baby names is given at the end of this article.

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 2
Punarvasu Nakshatra second pada is ruled by Venus as it falls in Taurus Navamsha. Due to influence of Venus, the Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 2 is softspoken and interested in accumulating wealth. Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 2 Natives have the influence of Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter and Venus, both being ‘Gurus’ , bless these natives with intelligence. Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 2 natives have a materialistic nature.

The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 2 is “Ko”. Hence babies born on “punarvasu nakshatra pada 2” are given names starting with the “Ko’. Details of punarvasu nakshatra pada 2 baby names is given at the end of this article.

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 3
Punarvasu Nakshatra third pada is ruled by Mercury as it falls in Gemini Navamsha. Due to influence of Mercury, the Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 3 natives can deal very well with mental activities. Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 2 Natives have the influence of Jupiter and Mercury. Due to this , Punarvasu NAkshatra Pada 3 natives have very good intellect.

The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 3 is “Ha”. Hence babies born on “punarvasu nakshatra pada 3” are given names starting with the “Ha’. Details of punarvasu nakshatra pada 3 baby names is given at the end of this article.

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 4
Punarvasu Nakshatra fourth pada is ruled by Moon as it falls in Cancer Navamsha. Due to influence of Moon, the Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 4 natives are sensitive and nurturing. Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 3 Natives have the influence of Jupiter and Moon. Due to this , Punarvasu Nakshatra Pada 4 natives have a strong drive of helping people in need. They are caring and generous.

The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 4 is “Hee”. Hence babies born on “punarvasu nakshatra pada 4” are given names starting with the “Hee’. Details of punarvasu nakshatra pada 4 baby names is given at the end of this article.

Punarvasu Nakshatra and Marriage
Though Punarvasu nakshatra has many good qualities, it is not suitable when it is associated with marriage. When associated with marriage related houses, Punarvasu nakshatra is known to resettle one’s marriage. i.e. may lead to remarriage. Consult a good astrologer in this aspect.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Male Characteristics
Punarvasu men are good looking with long thighs and face. They are religious and traditional. He will stick by the rules in all circumstances. He is cotented, happy and will lead a simple life. He is strongly against any illeagal activities. As his nature is straightforward and inncent, he is not suitable for running a big business and accumulating large amount of money. He will gain honor in this life. He will be an ideal teacher. He will respect elders. His married life will not be good. He may remarry.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Female Characteristics
Punarvasu nakshatra is more suitable for women than men. She will soft spoken and calm. But she also has the capacity to argue. She will lead a comfortable life.

Punarvasu Nakshatra compatibility and incompatibility
Punarvasu Nakshatra matching stars
The animal represented by punarvasu nakshatra is a cat. Hence, Punarvasu Nakshatra is compatible with the other cat yoni nakshatra – Ashlesha. Punarvasu nakshatra is compatible with the deer yoni nakshatras – Anuradha and Jyeshtha. Punarvasu nakshatra is also compatible with the monkey yoni nakshatras – Purvashadha, Shravan .

Punarvasu Nakshatra not matching stars
Punarvasu Nakshatra is not compatible with the 2 mouse or rat yoni nakshatras – Magha, PurvaPhalguni.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Professions
Guru or Jupiter if the Nakshatra Lord of Punarvasu Nakshatra. Hence, Punarvasu nakshatra natives are natural teaches and orators. They have an incline to get into depth of theories and philosophies.

Teachers, writers, public speakers, psychologists, recyclers, civil engineers, priests, farmers, telecommunication industry writers, Engineers, architects, public speaker, media people, editors, priests, spiritual gurus, tour managers, courier agents, astrologers

Body Parts Represented by Punarvasu Nakshatra
Neck, arms, ears.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Tree

The Punarvasu Nakshatra Tree is Bamboo.

Gift Punarvasu Nakshatra Plant to your Punarvasu Nakshatra friend.

Punarvsu Nakshatra Names

Punarvasu nakshatra has 4 padas. Every pads of punarvasu nakshatra is associated with a sound. So, select a baby name based on the sound associated with the pada of Punarvasu nakshatra. Here are the ‘sounds’ associated with each pada of Punarvasu nakshatra and the corresponding names.

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 1 names
The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 1 is “Kay”. Hence, if birth of a native has happened in punarvasu nakshatra pada 1, select a name starting from the sound “Kay” .

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 1 names for boys:
Kedar, Keshav, Ketan

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 1 names for girls:
Punarvasu Nakshatra female names are as follows:

Ketaki, Keya,

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 2 names
The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 2 “Ko”. Hence, if birth of a native has happened in punarvasu nakshatra pada 2, select a name starting from the sound “Ko” .

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 2 names for boys:
Konark, Kohil, Kovidh

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 2 names for girls :
Punarvasu Nakshatra female names are as follows:

Komal, Koyel,

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 3 names
The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 3 “ Ha”. Hence, if birth of a native has happened in punarvasu nakshatra pada 3, select a name starting from the sound “ Ha” .

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 3 names for boys :
Hardik, Hari, Harindra

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 3 names for girls :
Punarvasu Nakshatra female names are as follows:

Hansa, Harsha, Harshita,

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 4 names
The sound associated with punarvasu nakdhatra pada 4 “Hee” . Hence, if birth of a native has happened in punarvasu nakshatra pada 4, select a name starting from the sound “Hee” .

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 4 names for boys :
Hitesh, Himanshu, Heeraj

Punarvasu nakshatra pada 4 names for girls :
Punarvasu Nakshatra female names are as follows:

Hinel, Heena, Himaja, Hiranmayee, Hirkani,

Punarvasu Nakshatra Born Celebrities and Famous People

Shakira, Harrison
Ramana Maharishi,
R K Lakshman,
Anil Kumble
