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Watery Star of Hopeful Urge
“By the Power of the unstoppable urge
Now you can drink it or you can nurse it,
It don’t matter how you worship
As long as you’re
Down on your knees.
So I knelt there at the delta,
At the alpha and the omega,
At the cradle of the river and the seas.
And like a blessing come from heaven
For something like a second
I was healed and my heart
Was at ease.”

L. Cohen – Light as a Breeze

Purva Ashada Nakshatra is in the constellation of Sagittarius and brings clearing, cleansing purification. The deity of this Nakshatra is Apa, she is the cosmological river Goddess of fresh water and the lover of Varuna the god of the seas.

Losing one’s individuality and merging into the greater sea of being, is the energy that this Star brings to us. This is a Shukracharia (Venus) ruled Nakshatra and rules conception. The river wishing to rush to meet the ocean is relatable to the urge of the sperm moving to meet the ovum.

“Purva Ashada Nakshatra
brings fluidic transitions
just as the inherent symbolism
of the river Delta…
where one water body
loses its identity for another.”
Transition from individual states of being to awareness of more expansive states of being comes from a losing of established identities. By purification of the subconscious sediment that we carry, we rush into the vaster ocean of reality. It is interesting to note that a river delta is also a place where underwater sediment in most pronounced.

Our subconscious sediment colours and expresses itself in the rivers of our being. Transition to new states of being come as things are resolved and purified from the underground. This is the lesson that Purva Ashada Nakshatra brings to us – That we have to leave some things behind if we are to come into more fluid states of being. Figuratively speaking – surface skiing upon the water does nothing to really resolve ones Karmic themes, though it certainly gives the feeling of moving.

On the path of a Tantra, the Yogin is careful to not exchange superficial surface maneuvers for the introspective healing work of facing the deep dark depths.

Bhairav Astami
The science of lunar houses is very detailed and subtle because it is dependent upon which Moon phase transports the energy to earth. Uttara Ashada Nakshatra occurring upon

“The Bhairav Astami
of half descending Moon
brings a movement
of unconscious sediment
and offers a transition
out of individual unconscious patterns
into a new sea of being.”
Bhairav is the deity who makes us face that which we fear, that which we turn away from and do not wish to face becomes our unconscious shadow that lives in the depths, and just like the undercurrent, it informs all the maneuvers of our consciousness.

Bhairav Astami has been ritualized by Yogins since time immemorial as a Moon day for accessing the unseen and unconscious shadow elements of our reality.

The occurrence upon Bhairav Astami of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is a time of working ritualistically with water. There are many inner and outer practices in Tantra that work with the healing powers of water.

The Gurus of Creation
Purva Ashada is under the rule of the 2 Gurus. #Venus is #Shukracharia, the #Guru of the #Asuras, and #Brhaspati ( #Jupiter) is the Guru of the #Devas. The Asuras are the dualised creative energies of the egg that splits upon fertilisation. The spermatozoa is the Devic singular force. We see that Purva Ashada is ruled by the Venusian Guru Shukracharia and is in the constellation of Sagittarius.

The stories tell that Shukracharia has in his possession a magical power that puts him in the possession of abilities that make him superior. It is the power of Sanjeevani Vidya that he possesses. This is the wisdom and power of bringing the dead to life. Shukracharia it is who brings life to the soul in an eternal circle of life and death.

“The seed holds the spirit,
but the egg is the doorway
of Sanjeevani
that permits incarnation.”
#Purva-Ashada Nakshatra is an auspicious time for the conception of a child, as power is given to the ovum and the spermatozoa. This Nakshatra brings the energies of Venus and Jupiter together, these planets are dualistic forces that if brought together result in creation.

Mythology & the Watery World
When Venus and Water Meet we get the mermaid, hence the star of Purva Ashada being connected to the Yakshinis, who are the elemental spirits connected to the water element in the unconscious. The Yakshinis stir in their depths when this Nakshatra is present.

The Yakshinis are the sexual elemental spirits of the second water ruled Shakti Chakra.

“Some aspects of Tantra
work with summoning & evoking
these sexual beings.”
The picture above is called Hylas and the Nymphs by the British painter John William Waterhouse. The Naiads are the water nymphs of Greek mythology. This story presents many poignant themes of Purva Ashada Nakshatra. The story tells how Hylas was on a search for fresh drinking water when came to an enchanting pond where the Naidas lured him in with their beauty.

The Naidas are similar to the Yakshinis of the unconscious watery worlds. They are energies that can lure us in by the promise of something wonderful.

The Yakshinis in the Indian mysteries offer treasure, pleasures and powers untold by those who find them, but like the story of Hylas, they can submerge us in an elemental world and keep us from fulfilling our karmic tasks. Hylas was looking for fresh water for the team of Argonauts but he never returned. We see him holding a jug of water in his left hand, the pond abounds with water lillies which interestingly are called Nymphaeaceae in Latin.

The tree of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is called the #Sita-Askhoka #tree. The stories tell us that the Ashoka forest was where Sita was kept captive by Ravan when he kidnapped her. The Expansive urge of Ravan was enticed by the Venusian caverns of Sita. Sita literally means a cavernous incline and is suggestive of the female Yoni. The Venusian ovum draws the expanse Jupitarian force, Ravan was so overcome that he stole her away. This is the theme of the Epic Ramayana.

The Ashoka is the tree that is sacred to the sensual water nymphs known as the Yakshinis. The Yakshins dwell in the deep unconscious levels of the inner world. Tantrics who make the unconscious conscious are able to see into the world of the Yakshins. Some Tantric magicians work primarily through Siddhis (powers) they gain from these elemental beings. Tantrics consider it a dangerous practice to enter into union with the elemental world for magical powers. It carries many dangers and karmic consequences for the soul.

We see in many fairy stories that humans become submerged in the fairy realm to their detriment. The story of the Fisherman and his Soul by Oscar Wilde hi-lights this allure of the elemental world wonderfully. The occult novel of the Sea priestess by Dion Fortune also covers the theme of elemental possession. The well known story of the Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson reverses the polarities and tells of a Mermaid who comes to the human world as opposed to the other way round.

Shooting Off
This Star brings a strong sense of Tapasya – this is quality of ruthlessness and fearless voyage towards the unseen. A yogin is for this reason called a Tapasyin. The word Asha in Ashada means hope and urge. This watery lunar house brings a battle like rush of water. It is activates the urge of the spermatozoa to merge with the ovum.

“The Ovum is Shukracharia (Venus)
and the Spermatozoa is Brhaspati (Jupiter).”
The urge to rush into the realms of life can become dispersing to our Shakti if we are focused on barren pursuits. Whether physically or psychically… we become aware of the nourishing or vampiric quality of our pursuits as the unconscious becomes conscious. When we gain insight into the motivation behind our urges, we come to see the mechanism of how they express into the fabric of our lives and the resultant effect thereof upon the Shakti we carry.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the biggest planet in our solar system. He abounds with an abundance of boundless energy. Purva Ashada is a time to study the focus of our urges. As this star is in the Brhaspati (Jupiter) ruled constellation of Sagittarius, the tendency to shoot out is pronounced. Under this star in concentrated ritual – Tantrics make a pronounced focus upon reversing the outward tendency of motion known as Privritti to the inward energy known as Nirvritti.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the ruler of Sagittarius. Brhaspati is the expansive energy of subtle wisdom, that is why he is the Guru of the Deva’s. The energy of Brhaspati is to expand and subtlety penetrate things. But the state of the fields of life that we are penetrating is to be taken into account, they will produce either barren or fruitful produce. The Tantric honours Shakti by discerning whether they are watering the field of death, or the field of life.

“The merging of the river
with the sea symbolism of this Nakshatra
is very much about the unconscious
becoming conscious.”
Remember the deity of this #star is #Apa, the #goddess of the #river. In the symbolism, she merges with the lover #Varuna the god of the #ocean through the releasing of parts of her identity that are born of unconscious imprints.



A Generous Helping of Starry Moon Milk
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I got a better way
I discovered a Star
I got a better way
Ready, set, go.

D. Bowie – New Killer Star

#Nakshatra (lunar house) of #Pushya – which means, quite literally the nourisher. #Brhaspati ( #Jupiter) is Guru to the gods and is the deity of this lunar house. He is connected to wisdom, expansion and subtle thought.

Pushya is an auspicious star, that shines nourishment, prosperity and growth to us on earth. The Motherly Pushya Nakshatra is contained within the constellation of Cancer and has 3 stars. Pushya Nakshatra occurring on an ascending Half Moon is a powerful and auspicious placement that helps us to see into the consequences of the decisions we make. Pushya offers us the energy conducive to nourish new beginnings, decisions and opportunities.

The Star Goddess Tara has her Jayanti (annual commemoration) upon this night of nourishment. Tara appears only at night, just as her name which means Star implies.

Tara has the wisdom of converting poison into nourishing medicine. She feeds us with the healing blue twilight milk of her celestially starry breast. Hers is the twilight milk that dissolves the sharp definitions between dark and light, safety and fear, seen and unseen.

The story tells us that when the mighty Shiva suffered great turmoil for drinking the Halahala poison. Out of maternal compassion, Tara fed Shiva from her breast with a generous helping of healing Starry Moon Milk.

The Mirror of Nourishment
Brhaspati is the planet Jupiter. He is the Guru to the gods. He is the deity of this lunar house and is connected to wisdom, expansion and subtle thought.

Pushya is the amplifier, Pushya as an adjective indicates someone who is well nourished, healthy and rosey-cheeked like a well fed baby.

Brhaspati knows which things give nourishment and which things do not. Brhaspati sees into the subtle underlying forces of the phenomenal universe and knows and shows exactly which things are magically reflected back by the decisions that we take. When we look at the meaning of his name we see this principle at play, Brhas means that which nourishes and magnifies, Pati means master. So literally Brhaspati is the master of that which nourishes, magnifies and increases.

In this Nakshatra,
Brhaspati brings us this very teaching,
giving us the vision
of the mirror of nourishment.

The mirror of nourishing force might be smeared, if so, it won’t fully reflect things back to us. If the mirror is pristine then it reciprocates that which is given into it. Nourishment is like this. We could just as well say, if the soil is well tilled and receptive, then it will give back of the seed that we sow there. If the soil is hardened and strewn with rocks then the seeds will fall into a barren death.

We sometimes put our energy into things where nothing comes back to us. If we focus our concentration and go into the subtle underlying forces of the phenomena of our lives, we might get closer to the vision of what we are actually feeding. The reasons we might be feeding some things that do not nourish us is a lesson of the highest magic, this is the investigation of the Tantric. Nourishing dead soil naturally leads us into a life of malnutrition. If the soil fertilizes the seed then we have harvest. Harvest starts on the subtle planes and manifests into the tangible.

A Time to Decide
Pushya is the magical milk of nourishment. The lunar vessel on the night of Pushya is half full with the illumination of Moonlight. The Moon will be beaming the rays of Pushya to us on earth on this coming half Moon. As it is the rising Moon, it will continue to expand the psychic action and decision we take upon this night.

This is a most favourable position
to give an impetus of growth
to our visions and decisions.

The half rising Pushya Moon brings an impetus of nourishment that can profoundly support our human undertakings. This Nakshatra is aptly symbolised by a milk-filled fortifying cows udder and a lotus flower in the height of bloom.

The Pushya Half Moon is a good time for new undertakings and making clear resolutions of the stray and fraying edges of the psychic fabric of our being. The lunar energy on the half rising Pushya Moon, reveals, two roads of our destiny in stark distinction. It is a time of thinking soberly about where we are going and perhaps even seeing into… what the outcome of our endeavours could really be.

Pushya pours milk-like nourishment and fulfilment into the infancies of our visions upon earth, it is a mothering star for this reason, who like a mother, gives flesh, form and nourishment to the infancy of any vision and undertaking. Those new ventures undertaken on a Pushya full Moon can bear great fruit and success if one continues the ever attentive work of nourishment.

Living off the Fat of the Land
The lesson of Pushya Nakshatra is all about developing the awareness of nourishing the opportunities we receive. There might be opportunities around us that we don’t always see. There might be openings that we are not able to recognise as doorways to power.

There is an old Indian teaching story of a person wandering in a dark labyrinth-like place. They went round and round, ever and always looking for the doorway out of their prison, but each and every time they actually reached the door to their freedom, the draft that came in, caused a moment of distraction in which they scratched their head, and so they ever missed the way out and continued in eternal circles.

It is perhaps easy
to take our health, successes
and opportunities for granted.

Even if our receivings are generous, they dwindle away if the law of nourishment is forgotten. What is that law? Perhaps the work of a good earning is never to be taken for granted and one must remember that the soil must be eternally nourished and tilled. Perhaps we are brought to question our notions of wealth by the Pushya star constellation.

If we realise that there is no resignation or retirement in magical matters of growth, then we might be spared from psychic death. Living off the fat of the land and laying down one’s tools is perhaps the biggest and most crippling of all fallacies.

The Lotus in Bloom
Pushya also carries another law of nourishment to us by its rulership over the lotus flower. The law of nourishing by halves is implicit in our lives. A period of exertion is naturally followed by respite. Living by the sun is replaced by the nightly retirement into the darkness.

This law of dualisms is starkly reflected in the being of the lotus flower. A flower held in high esteem by the Yogins. The Lotus is a flower with far-reaching roots that gains her nourishment from deep dark of marshy subterranean places. The lesson and law of nourishment by the way of polarity is inherent in the Lotus. This flower is greatly prized for its beauty and honest and generous teaching of the laws of reality. The Lotus flower spreads magnificence and emanates an aura of an almost otherworldly beauty. This mystical bloom shows us how it’s beauty and nourishment comes from the underground of dark, womb-deep places. The precious Lotus flower that spreads her colour and scent in the visible world obeys – perhaps like no other – the law of nourishing by polarity. The Yogins tell us time and again to be like the Lotus flower.

Pushya is the deep introspective study
of the Lotus flower…
so magical and so natural.

The Psychic Web of Karma.
Pushya is regarded as the lucky star, but luck is dependent upon the actions that we take. What is luck exactly? The luck that Pushya offers us is conditional upon the choices that we make and the energies that we nourish. A bloom is a thing of beauty. Throwing seed upon wintery granite grave and hoping for luck to bring us the beauty of a blossom growth is obviously an act of absurdity. The same seed cast upon fertile moist soil in spring is far more likely to result in growth. We see in this way that what we might term as luck, is dependent on choices of wise vision.

Karmic effect
is the manifestation
of a resonant energy field
that lives in the psychic hemisphere
of our being.

When something involves us and touches all the aspects of our being then it becomes a web that catches the phenomena of our lives. Tantric ritual practices work with the principle of the psychic web of energy, by attempting to engage the full range of our being, both the unrevealed and revealed parts of ourselves.

The law of Karma is often summed up as ‘what you sow you reap’. Karma is not as simple a matter as to reduce actions to a moral code of obedience, that is punished or rewarded according to the degree of abidance or deviation.

Karma lives in the very psychic realities that we align ourselves to. Some of what we align to might be out of sight and invisible to us. The Tantric process of making the invisible become visible, then becomes a way to navigate beyond the psychic webs of Karma. What lays beyond the webs of Karma is unknowable while we are within the web, we are dealing with a great mystical voyage.

The psychic karmic realities that are we aligning to, become the investigation of Pushya.

Karma could aptly be described as a magnetic psychic web.

What kind of web are we weaving?
Perhaps we are the spider and the fly?
Are we catching life of death?
Or perhaps a little bit of both?

Still from ‘The Picture of Dorian Grey’, 1945
Smears on the Psychic Mirror
What are the reasons why we might be feeding dead soil and therefore reaping a desolate harvest? Might it be based on the illusions that we have taken in? These illusions are called the Granthis by the Tantrics. Granthis are like smears on the psychic mirror of the self. It is these smears that cause the reflection of life to be reduced to obscure knotted forms.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the Guru of the gods and he is a strict discriminatory force. He is most generous indeed but he only gives to those who meet his subtle psychic standards.

Shukracharia (Venus) is the opposite of Brhaspati. Venus is the Guru who gives generously and indiscriminately of his riches. This is why he is the chosen Guru of the Asuras.

The Asuras are the beings of dualistic destruction. Very often we see that the Asuras are described as demons, but this does not at all translate correctly what the Asuras really are and carries too many foreign connotations to be accurate. Venus gives us prosperity, joy and pleasure in an earthly sense (Shukra in his name literally means the essence and seed). Venus spreads out and down and is received by laying down. Jupiter on the other hand moves up and out and takes the opposite action to gravity. In other words…

…to reach the levels of Jupiter,
it takes a psychic climb
through the winding
labyrinths and stairways
of the mind.

Polishing the Mirror
Brhaspati (Jupiter) is reached through psychic Tapasya (effort). Tapasya could be called the polishing of the Psychic Mirror of the self.This is the effort to go beyond the frontiers of consciousness and towards the ultra-terrestrial potentials of the psyche.

Brhaspati is the master of magical ritual formulae. It is he who leads us beyond the limits of consciousness through his penetrating force within magical ritual. He is the Jupitarian high-priest with the magical wisdom that transforms the subtle layers of reality… which in turn change the experience of reality itself. He is the doorway keeper to the mysteries beyond the known, his conditions take the work of undoing and outdoing oneself. Unlike Venus who gives it for free.

Pushya brings a blessing of vision to us on earth. That blessing is the ability to make the right decisions. There are other Nakshatra’s that bring us different lessons pertaining to nourishment. The Yogin studies the lessons written in the stars, by tuning into the celestial forces through ritualistic formulae and devotion.

In conclusion, Pushya’s particular lesson, as we have seen, is very much concerned with finding the distinction between that which nourishes and that which does not. One of the symbols of this Star is the cow’s udder. This is the naturally most nourishing place for the baby. The soul that finds the nourishing breast in all arenas of life, becomes the baby, nourished by Mother Nature.




♦ June 1: Planet Parade
♦ June 3: Conjunction of #Moon and #Mars
♦ June 4: Conjunction of #Jupiter and #Mercury
♦ June 6: New Moon
♦ June 14: Moon at apogee
♦ June 20: Lunar Occultation of #Antares
♦ June 20: Summer Solstice
♦ June 21: Strawberry Moon
♦ June 27: Moon at perigee
♦ June 27-28: Conjunction of Moon and #Saturn
♦ June 28: Lunar Occultation of #Neptune
♦ June 29: Saturn enters retrograde motion


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The moon nakshatra and ascendant nakshatra reveal our destined path in life.

#PurvaBhadrapada stands for occult behaviour and enigmatical wonders on the one hand, and sincerity, morality, and hope on the other.

This #nakshatra connects #Aquarius and #Pisces, indicating the end of everything and the start of out-of-this-world conceptions and experiences, respectively. Aquarius is the sign of humanity’s ambitions and technologies, representing the highest point of happiness and the height of sorrow, the best of both worlds. Pisces, on the other hand, is the beginning of a world of creativity and opportunities that hasn’t been fully explored yet

Deity #AjaEkapada is an #ancient #fire #serpent or #dragon, or #unborn, also a #one-legged goat/unicorn, that goes wherever it wants, Aja Ekapada a fierce form of #Shiva is also a mount of #Rudra, it is a one-legged black deity that rules over secret societies and clans and is therefore associated with all forms of black magic, according to the Vedas he is associated with flood, storm and light.

Its diverse mix of positive and negative traits makes it a fascinating nakshatra to explore. Despite its affinity for supernaturalism and occultism, the nakshatra exhibits sociability, helpfulness, pleasant gestures, and compassion. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra symbolizes creation, destruction, compassion, and violence.

In spite of the fact that they value tradition, they are capable of undergoing change and adaptation. When Jupiter is afflicted, though, it can cause the native to withdraw from society and focus only on his or her own needs.

If natives of the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are afflicted by certain planets, they may prove to be harmful and destructive. However, they may also find themselves the victims of socially destructive methods and terrorism due to their innate propensity towards the supernatural. They are also known for their dishonesty, negativity, and immoral behaviour, which is another one of their negative characteristics.

Favourable: Dangerous Activities, Uncertainty, Risk, Mechanisms, Technology, Funerals, Conclusions, Death, Agriculture, and Water

Unfavourable: Beginnings, Initiations, Marriage, Sexual Activity, Dealing with Higher Authorities.

Bridging these two signs is a profound experience in itself, as it enables individuals to reach for the highest hopes and fantasies of the world. Thus Purva Bhadrapada has a significant impact on a person’s personality and outlook towards life.

Symbolism: This #constellation is commonly associated with the shape of the “front legs of a funeral cot”, which some interpret as representing an exit or conclusion. As previously stated, it signifies the conclusion of all that we are familiar with. Furthermore, “the sword” is another emblem of this constellation, signifying a lasting severance or conclusion.
The nakshatra is often associated with the lion, which is also believed to be the powerful form and vehicle of the goddess Shakti, also known as Durga.

Translation: The former one who possesses lucky feet

Symbol: Front of a funeral cot, two-faced man Lord: Jupiter

Zodiac: Pisces sign (Meen) Deity: Aja Ekapada — one-footed serpent, horned goat, unicorn

Nature: The fierce or Severe (Ugra) Gana: Manushya Gana

Mode: Active Constellation: 25

Body VarahaMihira: Legs Body Parashara: Left thigh

Number: 25 Letter: Se, So, The, Di

Lucky letters: S & D Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire

Lucky Colour: Silver Grey Lucky Numbers: 3

Element: #Ether Dosh: #Vata

Bird Name: AvoceYoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Lion #Tree: #Neem

Varna (Caste) #Brahmin (Priest)

Gotra (Clan) Pulastya

Direction #West


Purva Bhadrapada is like a unicorn that embodies both magical mischief and good vibes, and a never-ending supply of positive energy. Well, apparently both Saturn and Jupiter are in charge around here. So apparently, in #Bhadrapada, they worship a one-legged goat named #Ajaikapada who is supposed to be a form of Lord Rudra. Looks like #Purva-Bhadrapada people are twice as interesting with their two-faced personalities. Watch out, you never know which side you’ll get! Ah, the classic tale of the two-faced side – one minute it’s your BFF, and the next it’s causing chaos and making you want to plot your revenge.

When #Jupiter is afflicted, residents may withdraw from society and focus solely on their own wants. As the nakshatra that bridges Aquarius and Pisces, Purva Bhadrapada marks both the final curtain and the opening act of extraordinary adventures. It is linked to the lion, which is also the fierce form and vehicle of the goddess #Shakti, also known as #Durga.

Purva Bhadrapada people are determined to succeed, but this drive can lead to self-harm.


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#Vishakha #nakshatra

Just as the branches of a tree spread, so are the people of Vishakha Nakshatra, who have the quality of being conservative as well as being open to new ideas.

Vishakha Nakshatra is the 16th Nakshatra in the Zodiac belt, spanning from 20°00′ Libra to 03°20′ Scorpio, with Jupiter as its ruling planet. It is also known as the #Star of #Purpose.

The nakshatra is also represented as ‘thorny’ or ‘two-branched,’ a symbol of #duality in its #nature. The descendants of #Agni, the natives of Vishakha Nakshatra are full of vigour and vitality. They represent the best of both worlds. Along with being a believer in conservative ways, they are also great at adopting new and progressive ways of life.

The glimpse of Vishakha Nakshatra

#Jupiter is their ruling planet and we can see that effect in them too.

They are prone to drug and alcohol addictions, and they are also totally self. Instead of appreciating what they have, they are always obsessed with what they do not have!

Vishakha is ruled by Nakshatra, #Indra and Agni which signifies power, status and authority. Hence this nakshatra also has the same characteristics as its ruling forces. Vishakha Nakshatra is known to denote purpose.

Visakha Nakshatra natives have optimistic personalities and thus bring a sense of joy and celebration wherever they go. They respect the opinions of others and give them due importance and consideration, and this behavioural trait makes them good listeners and learners. They are religious, but they do not blindly follow religious rituals and procedures, are prone to drug and alcohol addictions, and are also extremely self-conscious. Instead of appreciating what they have, they are always focused on what they do not have!

Positive indications

This Nakshatra’s inhabitants are quick and eager to learn new things; as a result of this positive trait, they prefer more inclination towards modern practises and dislike orthodox procedures and beliefs. They have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and they are very focused. One of their positive characteristics is their determination to do something they have decided to do, and they will work extremely hard and go to any length to achieve their goals.

Negative Characteristics

When describing the negative characteristics of natives of this nakshatra, it is important to note that due to their intense focus on achieving their goals, any negative influence on them may lead to them succumbing to unsocial elements and practices such as drug abuse, sex, and alcohol addiction. They are restless by nature and are never satisfied with their accomplishments. This negative trait may lead to frustration and constant worry about what they lack, rather than enjoying what they have.

Vishaka residents have an odd habit of making simple things complicated and the other way around, and they frequently achieve their goals by creating problems and obstacles for themselves. Their never-ending search for something new leads them to the profound truth.

Interests in a Career

These people have a wide range of career interests. They are natural orators who can captivate audiences with their captivating speeches. He has a proclivity to enter the political arena as a result of this ability. Other career options with a high likelihood of success include independent business, the administrative sector, teaching, and high-responsibility work such as mathematician.

Compatible and incompatible constellations

. The compatible constellations are Swati, Ashwini, and Bharani while they are incompatible with Ardra and Poorva Phalguni.

Meaning: Branched, forked branches Nakshatra Lord: Jupiter

Nakshatra Body VarahaMihira: Arms Nakshatra Body Parashara: Navel

Symbol: Leaf decked triumphal gate, potters wheel(a Potter’s Wheel (symbolises the Patience that must be developed in order to Progress on the Spiritual Path)

Deity: Indragni- gods of lightning and fire

#Shakti (power to/of…): Achieve many and various fruits

Nature: The Sharp and Soft (Mixed)

Gana: Rakshasa Gana Rashi / Zodiac: Libra/Scorpio Sign

Marriage: Not Auspicious Ruling Deity of Jupiter: Shiva

Number: 16 Gender: #Female

Names Letters: Ti, Tu, Te, To Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire

Lucky Colour: Golden Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 3

Element: #Fire Guna: #Sattwic

Dosha: Kapha #Bird: #Red-Tail-Sparrow

Yoni/Animal name: A #Male #Tiger (Vyaghra)

Tree: Vikankata and #Wood-Apple #tree

Favourable: War, Executive Ability, Argument, Mental Focus, Goal Oriented Acts, Ceremonies, Parties, Romance, Sexuality, Penance, Resolving, Accomplishing Tasks, Ornamentation, Getting Dressed Up, Romance and Sexual Activity, Making Resolutions

Unfavourable: Marriage, Travel, Beginnings, Tact, Initiations, and Diplomacy



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natives of #Punarvasu #Nakshatra are all about care and harmony in the world, optimists. They are very generous people, especially in the fourth pada. The qualities of Janam Nakshatra and Lagna Nakshatra have a subtle effect on us and it affects our personality throughout life.

It is believed that Lord Shri Ram was born in this constellation.

Even when they face adversities or negativity, they will face them with confidence and a sense of optimism. Punarvasu is ruled by #Jupiter.

career interests- mystics, philosophers, innovators ,psychologist, gurus, artisans and trade people involved in the construction and maintenance of dwellings ,Architects, civil engineers ,scientists.drama ,entertainment ,politics, writers, publishers.

Punarvasu Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of the Punarvasu Nakshatra falls in the Aries Navamsa ruled by Mars The excitement and the numerous other experiences afforded by this place are the primary focal points. The purpose of this effort is to accomplish goals via the power of teamwork.

The second pada of Punarvasu Nakshatra is located in the Vrisha Navamsa, which is ruled by Venus. In this case, the native is going to focus on worldly, permanent and materialistic forms of comfort. More prone to the pleasures that come with settling into a routine.

The third pada of the Punarvasu Nakshatra is placed in the Gemini Navamsa, which is controlled by Mercury. Imagination, scientific inquiry, and intellectual pursuits are the primary focuses here.

The fourth pada of the Punarvasu Nakshatra is located in the Cancer Navamsa, which is ruled by the Moon. Helping those who are in need, as well as building and cultivating one’s own soul, are the primary focuses here. A model of selfless generosity.

Shakti (power to/of…): Ability to gain wealth or substance

Nature: The movable or ephemeral {Chara} Gana: Deva Gana (Lord Like)

Rashi / Zodiac: Gemini (Mithuna) & Cancer (Kark) Marriage: Not auspicious

Translation: Good again Controlling/Ruling Planet: Jupiter – Guru

Number: 7 Gender: Female Names Letter: Kay, Ko, Ha, Hee

Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire Lucky Colour: Grey or Lead

Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 3 Common Name: Bamboo

Astronomical Name: Pollu Guna: Satwic Dosha Vata

Element: Water Bird: Swan Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Cat

Tree: Venu vruksha and #Bamboo

Nakshatra Body – VarahaMihira: Finger

Deity: #Aditi — the mother of the Gods

Aditi She is the Goddess of Protection, Forgiveness, Wealth and Abundance. She is the Nurturing Mother and Protector of Children. She is the #Earth #Goddess who tends the Ground on which Healthy Seeds can Bear Fruit

Aditi represents truth, beauty, aristocracy, nobility, and purity. These noble virtues are also inherited by their natives.

favorable activities -travel ,exploration ,pilgrimage, imagination, innovation, worshipping the mother goddess ,child care ,buying home and cars, agriculture, gardening ,starting work in a building, marriage, education, meditation, fresh starts for relationships, project and activities ,wedding ,healing ,beginning education ,beginning construction or laying a Foundation , spirituality ,teaching, working with children

unfavourable activities- lending, borrowing ,a legal matter, conflict or aggressive action.

positive traits -caring, loving ,nurturing ,easily contented, friendly good natured, simplistic life ,leaves in a moment, share with others, religious inclination, interested in spiritual wrighting and philosophies, potential in the communication, field can be good writer and inspiring speaker ,profound imagination ,purifies self to make spiritual progress ,ability to connect with other, successful project.

negative traits- simplistic approach to life interpretd as lack of Intelligence, lack of material drive due to focus on spirituality ,lack of foresight gets them into complications including frequent moving ,unstable relationships, and multiple job /careers fickle nature, indecisive, frequently ill, critical over intellectualize life, gets bored easily in life.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility

Being a female constellation, its male counterpart Ashlesha is most favorable for it. Magha and Poorva Phalguni symbols of male and female rats are not compatible with Punarvasu Nakshatra. Being compatible with Cat, Rabbit and Monkey, Punarvasu enjoys smooth compatibility with Jyeshtha and Anuradha #Nakshatras apart from Shravan and Poorvashada Nakshatras.


Der Jupitermond Io erzeugt einen Ring aus Plasma entlang seiner Umlaufbahn. Warum er das tut und was das mit der Kernfusion zu tun hat, erfahrt ihr in der neuen Folge der Sternengeschichten: astrodicticum-simplex.at/?p=36… 🎙️#Astronomie #Universum #Sternengeschichten #Astrodicticum #Sterne #Io #Jupiter #Jupitermond #Plasma #Torus #Gas-Torus #Plasma-Torus #Planetologie #Vulkanismus #Magnetfeld #Enceladus #Europa #Kernfusion #Kultur
Sternengeschichten : Der Gas-Torus von Io


enter image description here

image: #Jupiter with now-shrunken red spot – Hubble Space Telescope

Though megalithic astronomers could look at the sky, their measurement methods were only accurate using horizon events. Horizon observations of solstice sunrise/set each year, lunar extreme moonrises or settings (over 18.6 years) allowed them to establish the geometrical ratios between these and other time periods, including the eclipse cycles. In contrast, the synod of Jupiter is measured between its loops in the sky, upon the backdrop of stars, in which Jupiter heads backwards each year as the earth passes between itself and the Sun. That is, Jupiter goes retrograde relative to general planetary direction towards the east. Since such retrograde movement occurs over 120 days, Jupiter will set 120 times whilst moving retrograde. This allowed megalithic astronomy to study the retrograde Jupiter, but only when the moon is conjunct with Jupiter in the night sky and hence will set with Jupiter at its own setting.



◘ May 3: Celestial Parade
◘ May 4: Close Conjunction of #Moon and #Saturn
◘ May 5: Close Conjunction of Moon and #Mars
◘ May 5-6: η-Aquariid meteor shower
◘ May 6: Moon at perigee
◘ May 8: New Moon
◘ May 8-9: η-Lyrids meteor shower
◘ May 13: #Uranus at solar conjunction
◘ May 14: #Mercury at its highest altitude in the dawn sky
◘ May 17: Moon at apogee
◘ May 18: #Jupiter at solar conjunction
◘ May 20: The Devil #Comet meets #Rigel
◘ May 23: Flower Moon
◘ May 24: Lunar Occultation of #Antares
◘ May 31: Lunar Occultation of #Saturn


#Purvabhadra or #Purvabhadrapda finds 25th mention in the #Vedicastrology. In the night sky, Purvabhadra is present in the #constellation of #Pegasus, the winged horse.
The two #stars, Markab (Alpha Pegasi) and Scheat (Beta Pegasi) make Purvabhadrapada.
The natives born under the #star derive their blessing from ruling planet #Jupiter and presiding deity #AjaEkapada – a one-footed serpent. Meaning Earlier auspicious one, Purvabhadrapada natives are intelligent and skilled at finances.

Astrological Range: 320°00 to 330°00′ Aquarius to 330°00 to 333°20′ Pisce
Nakshatra Number: 25
Gender: Male
Symbol: Front of a funeral cot, two-faced man
Presiding Deity: Aja Ekapada — one-footed serpent, horned goat, unicorn
Controlling/Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Shiva
Shakti: : Yajamana Udyamana Shakti
Caste: Brahmin
Nature: The fierce or Severe (Ugra)
Gana: Manushya (Human)
Body Varāhamihira: Legs
Body Parashara: Knees
Rashi/Zodiac: Pisces signs
Marriage: Not auspicious
Translation: The former one who possesses lucky feet
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Se, So, The, Di
Lucky letters: S & D
Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Color: Silver Grey
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 3
Common Name of Associated Tree: Mango
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Mangifera indica
Astronomical Name: Alpha Pegasi
Dosha: #Vata
Guna: #Sattwic
Element: #Ether
Bird Name: #Avocet
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Lion
Career: Priest, statistician, astrologer, businessman, administrator, priest, surgeons, morticians, cemetery keepers, leather industry businessmen, homicide detectives, horror and mystery story writers



Jupiter sei gegrüßt!

Man sieht eine goldene Jupiterstatue, welche auf einer antiken römischen Säule steht. Das Bild ist von unten fotografiert. Zu sehen ist nur der oberste Teil der Säule. Um die Statue herum sieht man den oberen Bereich von Bäumen, die um die Statue stehen.

Am Wochenende nutzten wir das schöne Wetter, um unsere Tochter (20) in Frankfurt zu besuchen. Wir machen dann immer noch einen kleinen Ausflug, damit es sich auch lohnt. Mensch will ja auch die Gegend kennenlernen, wo man wohnt und lebt. Also ging es eine kurze Runde im Taunus wandern. Das Ziel war das Römerkastell Saalburg. Dieses Kastell war natürlich Teil des Limes, eine Art Schutzwall zwischen dem Römischen Reich und dem freien Germanien.

Zu sehen ist das Haupttor des Römerkastells Saalburg. Es hat zwei bogenförmige, geöffnete Durchlässe. Zwischen den Durchgängen ist eine bronzene Kaiserstatue zu sehen. Zwei Wachtürme flankieren das Tor.

Man sieht entlang der oberen Hälfte einer Mannschaftsbaracke im Römerkastell Saalburg. Die Wände des Hauses sind mit Holzbrettern verkleidet, das Dach mit Stroh gedeckt. Vor den einzelnen Eingängen zu den Zimmern gibt es einen überdachten Bereich. Im Hintergrund sieht man den Giebel eines größeren, steinernen Hauses.

Zu sehen ist die steinerne Fassade eines Hauses im Römerkastell Saalburg. Im Mauerwerk sind zwei Fenster. Diese befinden sich einem steinernen Fensterrahmen und sind mit einem Metallgitter gesichert.

Zu sehen ist eine Nahaufnahme einer antiken römischen Säule im Römerkastell Saalburg. Die Inschrift ist in roter Farbe nachgezeichnet.

Zu sehen sind zwei kopfförmige Tongefäße in der Ausstellung des Römerkastells Saalburg. Beide Krüge haben Gesichter auf der Vorderseite, die böse Geister abhalten sollen.

Sogar meiner Frau, die es normalerweise nicht allzu lange in Museen aushält, hat es gefallen. In allen wichtigen Gebäuden waren kleine Ausstellungen, die das Leben im 3. Jahrhundert nach Christus schön veranschaulichten. Natürlich standen militärische Dinge im Vordergrund, aber auch das Alltagsleben wurde schön dargestellt: kleine, nachgebaute Handwerkstätten (Schuster, Schneider, Schmied, Knochenschnitzer, ...) werden genauso gezeigt, wie Originalfunde aus dem Alltagsleben. Dem Mithras-Kult, der den Zwölfgötterglauben abgelöst hat, aber vom Christentum verdrängt wurde, ist ebenfalls eine Ausstellung gewidmet. Im Restaurant gibt es natürlich Dinge, die auch die Römer gegessen haben: gebratene Pilze in Honig, mit Holzofenbrot, einem Quark und Oliven, um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen.

Die rekonstruierten Gebäude sehen tatsächlich aus, wie in den Asterixcomics. Es gibt natürlich viele Ruinen (auch außerhalb des Kastells) zu sehen. Und alles kurz und knapp beschriftet. Dazwischen viel Grün und große Bäume.

Voll stark. Hat sich gelohnt.

Was in etwa auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, steht in der Beschreibung. Weitere Infos: https://www.saalburgmuseum.de/

#foto #fotografie #photo #photography #mywork #cc-by-sa #geschichte #römer #antike #kastell #jupiter #limes


#Vishaka is the 16th star among the 27 stars described in the #Vedicastrology. It is also known as The #Star of #Purpose, as it gives determination and a single point of focus to people born under the star.
Four stars, namely Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Iota Librae, forms Vishaka. It stretches across both Libra and Scorpio. The stars form a forked branch and hence the translation of two-branched or the forked one. They are visible under Spica
#Vishakha #Nakshatra
Astrological Range: 200°00′ to 210°00′ Libra to 210°00′ to 213°20′ Scorpio
Nakshatra Number: 16
Gender: #Female
Symbol: An archway covered with leaves and used in marriage ceremonies; a potter’s wheel; a tree with spreading branches giving protection to others; Leaf decked triumphal gate
Presiding Deity: Lord #Indra, the God of Transformation; Lord #Agni, the God of Fire.
Controlling/Ruling Planet: #Jupiter
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Shiva
Shakti: Vyapana Shakti, Achieve many and various fruits
Caste: Shoodra
Nature: The Sharp and Soft (Mixed)
Gana: Rakshasa (Demon)
Body Varāhamihira: Arms
Body Parashara: Navel
Rashi/Zodiac: Scorpio Sign
Marriage: Not Auspicious
Translation: Enter the heavens
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Ti, Tu, Te, To
Lucky letters: Z
Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Color: Golden
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 4
Common Name of Associated Tree: Wood Apple, Kaith, Vila
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Feronia Limonia
Astronomical Name: Alpha Librae
Dosha: #Kapha
Guna: #Sattwic
Element: #Fire
Bird Name: Red Tail #Sparrow
Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Tiger
Career: public speakers, politicians, entrepreneurs, administrators, teachers, professors, mathematicians, broadcasters, lawyers, soldiers, immigration officials