

Serpent medical companies process mass quantities of plant material every day. This is why they use the FDA to police truth and spread disinformation. They ban plants because they make drugs out of them and don't want you to have the natural safe God made seed bearing herb. https://botanicalguides.com/wild-yam-dioscorea-dregeana.html Birth control medicine is made from the wild yam plant ( Dioscorea dregeana ). Cold medicine is made from Ephdra sinica, opium is extracted from poppies, mucinex is made in the likeness of a chemical in plants called mucilage, over the counter products like Listerine work because of menthol extracted from peppermint, etc. Scientist don't want to give God credit, they just want to lobby to oppress these natural remedies so only they can get their hands on them, then them and their buddies sell you products made from these cures, and then taint them with toxic fda approved additives. #birthcontrol #prolife #herbs #africanplants #ethnobotany #ethnobotnaicals
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