

Israel has called in the reservists in preparation for the attack against Lebanon and Syria

The opposition leaders call for unity and backing the fascist coalition government. The weeks long camping of Netanyahu finally managed to unite the country behind him against the external enemy.

The media has all but forgotten the atrocities of his hooligans and occupation army against worshippers inside Al Aqsa mosque or the campaign of terror against Palestinians in West Bank and occupied #Jerusalem.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #AlAqsa


This is the freedom of religion in the "only democracy" in the middle east!

It is not Daesh taking hostages, it is not AlQaeda killing worshipers, it is not Iran's regime attacking Bahais, it is Israel taking hostage inside AlAqasa mosque.

The 6th strongest army in the world is fighting against a people with no army, no navy and no air force. But the moral guardians of the world stand firmly behind this fascist regime and it's never ending crimes against native Palestinians.

Israel will not stop until Palestine has been wiped off the map of the earth, and unlike the empty words of the lunatic Ahmadinejad about Israel, it is happening with the blessing (and money) of the western nations.

#Israel #Palestine #Occupation #Jerusalem #AlAqsa #Politics


Jewish Extremists stepping up their attacks against Palestinian AlAqsa mosque

After yesterday's brutal Israeli attack against worshippers inside Al Aqsa mosque, the extremist plan to sacrifice a lamb inside the Muslim"s 3rd holiest place.

The Israeli politicecand military trying to stop their actions as the violent crashes between Israeli and Palestinans turning into a full scale armed conflict.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #JewishTaliban #AlAqsa #Jerusalem