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Anuradha Nakshatra is devotion… her starry devotion is both earthly and celestial and sparkles with the eyes of the beloved. This Nakshatra transports the lessons of friendship and dedication.

Tierya is a Sanskrit term that denotes reliability, conviction and the potency of staying. Anuradha Nakshatra is the friend who will bend and the mother who will devote to the child’s heart.
astrologically the Moon and sun are the proponents of Tierya… how they dance together is something g obvious and at the same time mysterious… their constancy and steadfastness shows in that they never retrograde or altar speed.. they are the cosmic egg and seed. The dance of the sacred feminine and masculine… the exchange of friendship.
How does this apply to ourselves?
Where do we lose motion or retrograde when devotion is in the picture?

In the Vimshottri Dasha system, Anuradha Nakshatra comes under #Saturn… which seems interesting as Saturn is constancy, devotion and unrelenting intent… Saturn is called many things from the Katma Karana to the lord of time… but meditation deeper upon the slow one known as Amanda, we find that he is the planet that leads to live by his power of staying with whatever… Saturn is given as the dark planet of the left hand Tantrics for this reason. Never turning away but enduring and loving all the way unto the heart of Shakti.

Anuradha Nakshatra is composed of the 3 stars of Scorpio: -Alpha, Delta and Pi.

She is a Nakshatra that awakens elements in us that teach us the secrets of being a true friend and devotee of love. To be a true friend is to awaken to love.

Anuradha Nakshatra takes us to the very depths of our issues in friendship aand devotion.

When this Nakshatra is ritualistically contacted through focus and concentration, it presents a doorway of healing our deep-seated issues in relationships, both past and present.
This is the Root aspect of the Lotus.

Anuradha has the potential to take us to the subtle etheric peaks of devotional relationship. She can take us to levels of psychic union in a telepathic sense with those on our frequency of friendship.
This is the Stem aspect of the Lotus.

Oh and the taste of devotional love is the union of Tantric practice. Sadhana is the constancy of devotion that leads to the mystic woman known as Sadhia.
This is the Flower of the Lotus

The name Anuradha is another name of the #Gopi #Lalita. Anuradha means ‘the follower of Radha – Radha is the Goddess of love and devotion.
The stories tell us that Anuradha did follow Radha like a true friend.

Anuradha follows Radha with her very heart – this is the deepest aspect of devotion.

when we try,y are in love, then our heart beats with the beloved… and their feelings are our very own.

And just like the Gopi that shares the name of this Nakshatra, Anuradha Nakshatra brings us the lesson of becoming a true devoted lover..
The Ruling deity of Anuradha Nakshatra is #Mitra.

Mitra is the god of friendship.

Mi – means to uncover and untie. Tra – implies binding or order, or an instrument of bringing order.

Mitra is the keeper of cosmic order. He is the very force that balances the dance of ebb and flow together – the contraction and expansion of energy in both the body and the psyche, in both the macro and microcosm.

It is Mitra that keeps cosmic rhythm through managing the opposite forces of binding and unbinding.

Mitra is best friends with his opposite.

Varuna is his opposite and they are bound together in a sacred oath of friendship that is so deep, it keeps the universe in equilibrium.

Varuna translates as the one who covers and conceals.

Mitra causes the sun to rise, he uncovers and reveals as the ‘Mi’ in his name suggests, Mitra is said to never close his eyes.

Varuna on the other hand conceals and brings nightfall.

Mitra is the deity who assists the activating of the solar day forces and Varuna assists in activating the lunar night forces.

Varuna is the deity of the depths and the waters that cover the earth and move with the dance of the Moon.

So, these two opposite forces are tied together in deepest friendship and keep the cosmological order of Rtta. Rtta is the rhythmical, regulating principle of order.

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The symbols of this Nakshatra are an archway, a Danda (wand), and a Lotus flower.

The Danda is one of the symbols of of meditation when we approach Anuradha Nakshatra. The Danda is the magical stick of power carried by witches, wizards and sages.
Yogic wisdom tells of many types of stick that hold and transport the power of those that carry them.
In an inner sense, the stick of power is the the spine.
And just like the spine, it is also the lotus flower that extends both into the deep depths and blooms fragrantly upwards.
Just like the lotus bloom, Anuradha takes us to the Southernmost part. ‘the fertility inherent in depth’

Another symbol of Anuradha Nakshatra is in fact the Lotus flower.

We see that the other Nakshatra’s connected to Shuni (Saturn) in the Vimshottri Dasha system, also have their symbols as lotus flowers.
The blue lotus flower being the symbol of Shravan Nakshatra Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra has the pink lotus flower as its symbol.
Anuradha Nakshatra has the white lotus as its symbol.

Each of these colours of the Lotus has significance to the energies of the ruling Nakshatra. This can be discovered when one engages intuition by meditating upon the the stories associated with these Nakshatra’s.

The archway is yet another of Anuradha Nakshatra. But what exactly is an archway?
We can see that it is a joining of divisions between two areas. The archway is a structure of union.

To pass under an archway is a sacred chance to evoke Anuradha Nakshatra and all that it stands for.

Meditating and doing rituals in archways are connected to Anuradha and are part and parcel of her many sacred rituals.

We can see this in Indian marriages. With the passing under the arch rituals. We also see in the marriage customs the pouring of Mustard oil i upon the doorway as the new home is entered.

Anuradha is a yellow Devi (Goddess), just as the mustard oil is. Mustard oil is a much prized oil in Tantra for working with Shakti.y

Passing under the arch with the recognition of the unity of opposites is the love of invoking Anuradha in marriage ritual. It is a prayer to appeal to her celestial forces to establish order in the coming Union.

The archway literally brings two halves together – just as devotion, friendship and loyalty bring disparate and exclusive elements together into a unified marriage.

The whole lesson of Anuradha Nakshatra is about devotion and unification – bringing those things which are opposite and far away from each other into close proximity.
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To carry the beloved in love might not just be a sweet sentimental undertaking, but one that is fiercely protective and hot with the essence of Khandita Bhaav (described in next section)
The ferocious flame of love burns both hot and cold in the heart of the cosmic mother… There is no undertaking that will not be chanced for the sake of loving devotion in her heart.
Her heart beats red and dark in the breast of the voyager who voyages into the mysteries of Love.

As mentioned above, Anuradha is a name of the Gopi Lalita – and Anuradha means the one who follows Radha.

Anu – means to follow, as in the sense to ‘follow behind’

but Anu also means to follow as in something ‘coming after another thing’

So Anuradha is literally the friend who surrounds Radha on both sides.
Anuradha literally both follows and leads Radha.
Radha is the Goddess of devotion and longing, and Anuradha is the aura around her.
The stores tell that Anuradha is always with Radha, just as her her shadow is.

Anuradha is 27 days older than Radha. These 27 days denote the 27 Nakshatras. Meditation on this significance will give insights as to what this means.
In this way Anuradha protects the devotion of Radha. Radha is the absorbent tender flower of love and Anuradha is the protector of the sacred heart.

Love can have many colours sorounding it.
The journey of love can move between the sweetest and sourest flavors.
Longing, jealousy, scandal, obsession and emptiness can all be part of the journey to the sacred heart of love.
Anuradha is the devoted lover & friend to turn to and confide the deepest of the hearts secrets.
Anuradha is the loving protecter of the heart of Radha.
When we consider the meaning of the name Radha, another level of insight can be gleaned.
Devotion and blessing and teaching of Anuradha.

Loyalty to familiar things that agree with our nature and do not challenge us, is not the measure of real devotion. The path of Tantra of the left hand way of heart, takes us through many meditation and learnings and challenges on the way to Sadhia. The Sadhana to her the elusive temple of Sadhia can be beset with challenge and disappoint. Yet Anuradha is the essence in the heart of both Sadhia and Sadhana.

To befriend that which challenges our sense of self and our reality – takes a very deep devotion and love… this is the devotion of Anuradha… She lives in a the heart of the Tantric, within a temple dedicated to the beloved.

Even that which is totally abhorrent and contrary to us – if we can befriend that, then we breath the deepest breath of devotion.

Refining the quality of our devotion and love require both the thorn and the rose.

Intense devotion might be a preciously rare quality. It might be the scent of the Rose of Shakti.

Devotion is the quality of the true lover and the Yogi who is ready to accept the thorn and the rose together.

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Vishakha and #Anuradha #Nakshatra: The #Ironwood or #Nagkesar #tree is the nakshatra tree of these natives. The people will benefit if they offer milk to this tree. Additionally, if the natives plant one in their homes, they will inevitably draw prosperity into their homes and lives
As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Anuradha Nakshatra is Planet #Saturn. It looks like a Row of Furrow, #Lotus. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #Mitra. The gender of this star is male. If you belong to Anuradha constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.

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3°20" to 16°40" Scorpio (Vrshchika)
#Nakshatra #Shani #Mitra #Anuradha
The 17th Nakshatra: ANURADHA.
Anuradha is Nakshatra that's ruled by Shani (Saturn) and is located in 213'20" to 226'40" degrees of zodiac (3'20" to 16'40" Vrshchika (Scorpio) ruled by Mangala (Mars).

The quarters (Padas) are ruled by:
Sūrya (Sun) - the 1st quarter,
Buddha (Mercury) - the 2nd quarter,
Shukra (Venus) - the 3rd quarter,
and Mangala (Mars) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
Purushartha (life's vector or motivation) - Dharma.
Totem animal - #Hare or #Deer (female).
Symbol - a #Lotus flower.
Deity - Mitra.
Dosha - Pitta.

This is 17th Nakshatra of the zodiac. While the planet of hardships and efforts, Shani (Saturn), rules this Nakshatra, the fiery and aggressive planet, Mangala (Mars), rules the sign. Mangala (Mars) and Shani (Saturn) are mutual enemies, having some of the most different characteristics. Thus, people born in this Nakshatra also show some very peculiar characteristics.

Anuradha born children are somewhat weak in the beginning, but become stronger as they grow up. These people have a good height, lean and yet strong physique. As a rule, Anuradha born have to face several obstacles in their life, and hence they have a somewhat defeated look on their face. They are fairly straight forward, but if they get a feeling that some one is unnecessarily creating obstacles in their path, then Anuradha born are likely to harbor a feeling to take the revenge. These people are ready to wait long for the opportune moment to take the final action.

While Mangala (Mars) gives them the soldierly abilities to march forward and achieve the objectives at any cost, the planet of efforts, Shani (Saturn), enables them to keep on trying again and again till they reach their destination. These people have an independent nature and will do anything to preserve their independence. This fiercely independent nature also makes them start earning at a very young age. But the lord of Nakshatra, Shani (Saturn), makes them struggle at every step till the second half of their life, after which, they enjoy a smooth sailing.

Anuradha born, are not on good terms with their parents and other close relations. Seldom anyone from these relations becomes helpful for their progress in life. On the other hand, their spouse gives them the all round support necessary to make their marriage a success.

Male Natives

  1. Physical features: The native will have a beautiful face with bright eyes. In some cases where combination of planets is not good, the native has cruel looks.

  2. Character and general events: He is liable to face several obstacles in his life. Even then he has special aptitude to handle the most difficult situation in a systematic way. However, if we look at his face, a peculiar frustrated face can be noticed. The main reason for such a gloomy appearance is the problems, which he has to confront on several occasions. to be more specific, there will not be peace of mind in his life. Even a smallest problem will start pinching his mind repeatedly runs after one and the same problem.

He always think of taking revenge whenever opportunity comes. In spite of these drawbacks he is the most hardworking and ever ready to complete the task before him. Come what may, march forward is the motto of this native. In addition it can be said that after several reversals he ultimately achieves the desired result.

He is a firm believer of god. He cannot keep a permanent stable relationship with anybody. His life is full of helplessness but independent. Even in several reversals he will not leave optimism.

  1. Education, sources of earning/profession: He can be successful in the business field. If he is employed he has a special caliber of how to pocket his superiors. He starts earning his bread at quite young age say on or about 17 or 18 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to 48 years of age will be full of problems. When it's said "full of problems", it does not mean that there will not be any good period in between the above-mentioned period. Occasional benefits and favorable results will be definitely noticed. The life after the age of 48 years will be extremely good. It is in this period he can settle down in his life to the desired way and become free from most of the miseries of the life. If Chandra (Moon) is in the company of Mangala (Mars), he may be a person dealing with drugs and chemicals or a doctor.

  2. Family life: No benefit will be derived from the co-borns under any circumstances. He cannot enjoy or derive any benefit from his father. In some cases, frequent friction with his father has also been noticed. Same way there is no luck of receiving love and affection from the mother also. Normally, he settles down away from the place of his birth. Even though several adverse results have been commented above, one of the favorable points is that his married life will be completely satisfactory. His spouse will have all the qualities of a good housewife. As is the god's gift, he always looks back to his life while dealing with his own children and at any cost he likes to provide all necessities of life as far as possible and the love and affection. Hence his children reach a height position, much more than that of the native.

  3. Health: His health will generally be good. He will be prone to asthmatic attack, dental problems, cough and cold, constipation and sore throat. Due to non-care nature of his own health he does not take medicines properly.

Female Natives

  1. Physical features: Her face is innocent looking. Even an ugly looking woman with beautiful waist is attracted to man. Whereas, in the Anuradha native, in addition to her attractive face and beautiful body her beautiful waist is further added to her attraction to males.

  2. Character and general events: There is no room for arrogance in her life. She is pure-hearted. She does not believe a life of fashion whereas she likes to lead a simple life. A selfless, agreeable and attractive disposition. She can shine well in social and political field. She will respect her elders. Her friends will cordon her as if she is the head of friend's circle.

  3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She will be more interested in music and fine arts. She may obtain an academic degree or high degree of knowledge in music or dance. Professional dancers are also found to have been born in this Nakshatra.

  4. Family life: She is very much devoted to her husband and observes religious norms. She can be called as a model mother as far as upbringings of her own children are concerned. Her devotion to her in-laws pours further glory in her personal life.

  5. Health: She may suffer from irregular menses. Severe pain will be felt at the time of bleeding, as the flow of spoiled blood will be quite intermittent. In some cases it has been told that, after appearance of monthly menses, there will be break for some hours or for one or two days before commencing actual flow. She may also suffer from headache, nasal catarrh.


#Anuradha #Nakshatra
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“The Star of Success”

Symbol: Triumphal Archway (Same as Vishakha), Lotus Flower (Reflecting the ability to Blossom in any Life Situation), A Staff (Demonstrates Courage, Strength, and Safety)

Deity: Mitra (One of the 12 Adityas or Vedic Solar Deities is the God of Friendship and Partnerships, who Promotes Good Faith, Cordiality, & Cooperation among Humanity. He becomes the Divine Friend and the Lord of Compassion)

Favourable: Scientific Research, Meditation, Occult Study, Foreign Affairs, Healing, Friendship, Accounts/Finances, Reflective, Secretiveness, relating and Socializing with Friends, Group Activities, Travel to Foreign Lands, Immigration, Financial Tasks, Exploration, Covert Actions

Unfavourable: Marriage, Confrontation, Mundane Actions, Inaugurations, Beginnings or Inaugural Events, Routine or Commonplace Activities

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Elements connected to Anuradha Nakshatra
Deity #Mitra
Symbol Triumphal Arch
Planet #Saturn
Purushartha Dharma
Gana Deva (Divine)
Varna Shudra (Worker)
Element Agni (Fire)
TriMurthi Vishnu (Maintain)
Animal Female #Deer
Bird Peacock)
Tree Bakula, Nagkesar
Sound Naa, Nee, Noo, Nay
Bit lines about Anuradha Nakshatra
Key Themes

High Standard of Excellence and Perfectionism
Negotiator, Arbitrator, Counsellor or Therapist
Sensitivity, Compassion and Friendship
Selfless Service and Great Empathy
Oversized Ego, Wrathful & Ungraceful in Defeat

Star: Anuradha

Rasi (Zodiac): Scorpio

Range: 03o 20’ – 16o 40’ Scorpio

Padas: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Meaning: “Following Radha” or “Subsequent Success” or “A Small Flash of Lightning”, also a “Tiny Spark”

Indication: “The Star of Success”

Body Part: The Breasts, Stomach, Womb and Bowels

Guna (Quality): Tamas

Gana (Race): Deva (Divine, God-Like Dispositions)

Purushartha (Goal): Dharma (Righteousness)

Tridosha: Pitta (Bile or Fire + Water)

Nature/ Category of Star: Mridu (Soft/ Mild/ Tender)

Varna (Caste): Shudra (Worker)

Gotra (Clan): Angiras (name translates as the “Fiery One”)

Direction: South

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Agni (Fire)

Shakti (Power): Radhana Shakti (The Power “of Worship”)

Basis Above: To Ascend

Basis Below: To Descend

Desire: To be Regarded as a Friend in all the Worlds

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Honour and Abundance

Activity: Passive

TriMurthi (Process): Vishnu (Maintain)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Tiryanga Mukha (Looking Straight/ Facing Forward/Level)

Yoni (Gender): Female

Animal Symbol: Deer

Bird: Nightingale, Peacock

Sounds: Naa, Nee, Noo, Nay

Tree/ Plant: Vakula, Bakul Bakula, Nagkesar (Latin Name: Mesua Ferrea)

Colour: Reddish Brown


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#Anuradha #Nakshatra (also known as Anusham in Tamil and Anizham in Malayalam) is spread from 3.20 to 16.40 in Scorpio sign. Basically Saturn is the Dasha ruler of it and Mitra is deity of it. Mitra means friend. Anuradha is the 17th among the 27 Nakshatras

You are ambitious, hard working, honest and truthful. Even if you have to lie, it becomes obvious and can be easily caught. Generally you carve out great careers for yourself. You are generally very active but when you set out to relax you don’t want anyone to disturb you. You are self confident, opinionated and don’t hesitate to show your likes & dislikes openly.

You are devoted to your life partner and like to spend as much quality time with your children as possible. You are fond of music, are religious and romantic at heart. At times you enter into arguments with acquaintances while explaining your point of view. You are generally a hard-headed businessman and also make good accountants. You tend to have a vision for everything around you and you end up doing things your way. Your lucky gemstone is Blue Sapphire.


#Anuradha #Nakshatra (also known as Anusham in Tamil and Anizham in Malayalam) is spread from 3.20 to 16.40 in Scorpio sign. Basically #Saturn is the Dasha ruler of it and Mitra is deity of it. #Mitra means friend. Anuradha is the 17th among the 27 Nakshatras

You are ambitious, hard working, honest and truthful. Even if you have to lie, it becomes obvious and can be easily caught. Generally you carve out great careers for yourself. You are generally very active but when you set out to relax you don’t want anyone to disturb you. You are self confident, opinionated and don’t hesitate to show your likes & dislikes openly.

You are devoted to your life partner and like to spend as much quality time with your children as possible. You are fond of music, are religious and romantic at heart. At times you enter into arguments with acquaintances while explaining your point of view. You are generally a hard-headed businessman and also make good accountants. You tend to have a vision for everything around you and you end up doing things your way. Your lucky gemstone is Blue Sapphire.


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#Anuradha #Nakshatra English Name : Delta Scarpi

Anuradha Nakshatra Symbol: Staff of an ascetic, #Lotus Flower

Anuradha Nakshatra Lord: #Saturn

Anuradha Nakshatra Rashi: 3:20’ Scorpio to 16”40’ Scorpio
Anuradha Nakshatra Gana: Dev

Anuradha Nakshatra Diety: #Mitra – God of Friendship

Number of Stars in Anuradha Nakshatra: 4

Anuradha Nakshatra Yoni / Animal: #Deer

Anuradha Nakshatra Nadi: Madhya

Anuradha Nakshatra first pada: name first letter is “Naa”, pada Lord ‘Sun’
Anuradha Nakshatra second pada: name first letter is “Nee”, pada Lord ‘Mercury’
Anuradha Nakshatra third pada: name first letter is “Nu”, pada Lord ‘Venus’
Anuradha Nakshatra fourth pada: name first letter is “Nay”, pada Lord ‘Mars’
Anuradha Nakshatra Sacred Tree: Nagkesar (नागकेसर) (Mesua Ferrea)


#Anuradha #Nakshatra, spanning 3:20-16:40 degrees Scorpio, is ruled by the planet #Saturn and the deity #Mitra, one of the Sun’s avatars.
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This is one of the most auspicious of the 27 Nakshatras.

Mitra being one of the Sun’s deities lends strength to the Sun in this Anuradha Moon and offers the ability to shine a light on some dark corners in our mind and lead us back to the spiritual path.

Anuradha is often used as an indicator for good timing when it comes to romance and marriage, but even above the romantic kind of relationship Mitra is the god of friendship, partnership, compassion, love and devotion, in all forms – romantic and platonic.

Anuradha gifts the ability to find balance in relationships and honour the other person(s) without losing a sense of self. Mitra has high standards for holding true to this commitment and people who have planets placed in Anuradha Nakshatra will have a good sense for a natural give-and-take, understanding that relationships are not one-way streets, and may have the expectation that their own values and standards are met by the other person(s). This can make them disappointed and foster resentment when their own standards are not met.

This Nakshatra also strengthens community and encourages team-work. It’s a Nakshatra of prosperity which can be gained through working and combining with others. With some planetary placements here money may come from a partner or spouse rather than alone through your own efforts.

No Mud, No Lotus
The symbol associated with Anuradha Nakshatra is the #Lotus flower, the indicator of perseverance and good coming from trial and tribulations. We so often hear the words “no mud, no Lotus” which basically means that the most beautiful things and experiences (can) come from the most unpleasant and difficult situation that make fertile ground for a higher, more appreciated beauty.

Anuradha also shares Vishaka Nakshatras symbol, the #gateway covered in leafs, since Vishaka and Anuradha are one of the four Nakshatra pairs out of the 27. In some texts Vishaka is also called Radha – as in the original Radha or the first Radha, whereas Anu-Radha means the “other” Radha or “additional” Radha. Both Nakshatras share not all but some qualities and are connected to Radha, Krishna’s consort.

This is a time of devotion, of worship, of offering friendship and love freely without expectation, but also giving this same love to ourselves and recognizing all the hard work we have already done to get to where we are.

It’s a soft Nakshatra which makes it auspicious for the more pleasant things in live. Take a journey, get together with friends, do some yoga or journaling.

The best way to honour this auspicious day is to consider some of the self-care/purification methods I mentioned above and make a commitment to yourself to treat yourself with the love you want to receive from others.


#Anuradha #Nakshatra, spanning 3:20-16:40 degrees Scorpio, is ruled by the planet #Saturn and the deity #Mitra, one of the Sun’s avatars.
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This is one of the most auspicious of the 27 Nakshatras.

Mitra being one of the Sun’s deities lends strength to the Sun in this Anuradha Moon and offers the ability to shine a light on some dark corners in our mind and lead us back to the spiritual path.

Anuradha is often used as an indicator for good timing when it comes to romance and marriage, but even above the romantic kind of relationship Mitra is the god of friendship, partnership, compassion, love and devotion, in all forms – romantic and platonic.

Anuradha gifts the ability to find balance in relationships and honour the other person(s) without losing a sense of self. Mitra has high standards for holding true to this commitment and people who have planets placed in Anuradha Nakshatra will have a good sense for a natural give-and-take, understanding that relationships are not one-way streets, and may have the expectation that their own values and standards are met by the other person(s). This can make them disappointed and foster resentment when their own standards are not met.

This Nakshatra also strengthens community and encourages team-work. It’s a Nakshatra of prosperity which can be gained through working and combining with others. With some planetary placements here money may come from a partner or spouse rather than alone through your own efforts.

No Mud, No Lotus
The symbol associated with Anuradha Nakshatra is the #Lotus flower, the indicator of perseverance and good coming from trial and tribulations. We so often hear the words “no mud, no Lotus” which basically means that the most beautiful things and experiences (can) come from the most unpleasant and difficult situation that make fertile ground for a higher, more appreciated beauty.

Anuradha also shares Vishaka Nakshatras symbol, the #gateway covered in leafs, since Vishaka and Anuradha are one of the four Nakshatra pairs out of the 27. In some texts Vishaka is also called Radha – as in the original Radha or the first Radha, whereas Anu-Radha means the “other” Radha or “additional” Radha. Both Nakshatras share not all but some qualities and are connected to Radha, Krishna’s consort.

This is a time of devotion, of worship, of offering friendship and love freely without expectation, but also giving this same love to ourselves and recognizing all the hard work we have already done to get to where we are.

It’s a soft Nakshatra which makes it auspicious for the more pleasant things in live. Take a journey, get together with friends, do some yoga or journaling.

The best way to honour this auspicious day is to consider some of the self-care/purification methods I mentioned above and make a commitment to yourself to treat yourself with the love you want to receive from others.