

CubeSats on Artemis I. "Most of the variety of the science on Artemis I comes in the form of CubeSats, little satellites that are each the size of a large shoebox. The CubeSats are tucked snugly into berths inside the Orion stage adapter, which is the bit that connects the interim cryogenic propulsion stage to the ESA service module and Orion. Once the propulsion stage lifts Orion out of Earth orbit and pushes it toward the moon, the stage and adapter will separate from Orion, and the CubeSats will launch themselves."

There is concern launch delays ran down the batteries of some of the CubeSats.

There's a CubeSat designed to impact on the moon. There's a CubeSat to travel to Earth-moon Lagrange point 2. There's a CubeSat to search for surface water ice on the moon. There's a CubeSat to maneuver around Artemis and take images. There's a CubeSat to go into deep space beyond the moon and test software-defined radio for communication with Earth. There's a CubeSat to visit a near-Earth asteroid. There's a CubeSat with yeast that will be rehydrated at different times to measure cellular damage from radiation. There's a CubeSat to measure low- and high-energy particles as well as magnetic fields from the sun.

Here's all the science hitching a ride on Artemis I

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