

The Radhasoami Teachings of Baba Faqir Chand: Spirituality and Meditation -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast

"I am a bubble of Super-most consciousness. That is what my realization is. This is what I have gained. Now what I feel is that there is One, Infinite, Super-most Element. From IT, when it moves, Sound and Light come out and from that Light and Sound this creation takes place. Cosmic rays and many other types of rays come out of this Light and Sound and all this gross matter is made. So it is the Will of that Supreme Power. Everything is oozing out of IT and is merging back in IT." (Baba Faqir Chand)

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Below is the Message of J.L. Chaudhari of the Radhasoami Faith (in the spiritual lineage of Baba Faqir Chand and Yogani Mataji)

"The real message of man’s life is 'Be Man'. The question is how to follow this principle and what should we do to adopt this principle and formula for finding a way to God which is nothing but salvation.

"The only way is to surrender oneself in the Lotus feet of Spiritual Master. After this surrender the disciple and Master become one because a true surrender makes a man free from the bondage of senses, dilution, affection, etc, etc. So far we are under the control of worldly desires the surrender is not possible. So the first step is to be free from worldly desires. But that does not mean that the needs for worldly living should not be fulfilled. In fact needs should be fulfilled and not the desires. If we have taken birth as a human being some food (energy) is necessary for the body to work, but it is not necessary that we always aspire for multi-course meals. It is necessary to put on some cloths to cover the body but not necessary that silk linen is put on. It is necessary that there is a shelter for living but not necessary that a marble fitted house is with us.

"As a human being we have to survive in this world without caring for ourselves much, without looking to the ills of others, rather looking towards ills of ourselves, purifying ourselves first, and then do something for the purification of others. This is the living of a 'lotus' in a pond and that is why the Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and intellect, sits on the Lotus. The Lotus flower blossoms in muddy pond, but anyone looking at the flower exclaims, 'Wow! How beautiful the flower is!' The whole world is a muddy pond and we have to survive in the midst of mud like a lotus flower which does not care for mud, but it blossoms for the pleasure and happiness of others. Every morning with the sunrise, the lotus blossoms. This is what we should also follow. The divine power and light emanated by the Spiritual Master makes us to blossom like the lotus flower provided we have full trust and faith in our spiritual Master.

"Sant Mat does not look at the race, the cast, the sect or any other identification for a person. Rather, it looks into the true sense of service, sacrifice, surrender, devotion, determination, trust, belief of person towards the Master and those who have these characteristics they may be belonging to any cast, race, country, direction or of any identification can join this Yoga, but for that a true spiritual Master is a must. I don’t know whether you have adopted some spiritual Master or your are under the shelter of someone as a spiritual Master. If so, please do surrender yourself to him or her for all what you desire to attain and achieve.

"The spiritual Master is not the body rather it is the Divine Light, the Divine Sound, and your own Wisdom, your own Conscious, and your own Perception which is Selfless and without any expectation from any one on this earth.

James Bean
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio

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Today, a Sant Mat Satsang Podcast featuring readings from a rare Radhasoami (RadhaSwami) spiritual classic, Light on Ananda Yoga, by Baba Faqir Chand's spiritual master: Shiv Brat Lal (Sant Daata Dayal Ji). Listen or Download @ the Podcast Website: https://SpiritualAwakeningRadio.libsyn.com/website/aradhasoamispiritualclassicbyshivbratlallightonanandayoga

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Prayer of Sant Daata Dayal Ji (Shiv Brat Lal) of the Radhasoami Faith

O August Radhaswami (Lord of the Soul),
Thou Living Self and Living Master,
Beneficent Father and Mother of All!
Be merciful – make us Thine own,
And thus save us from the snares of Time.
Past are the Golden Age and others,
Unknowing of the Heavenly Melody proper,

Yet now art Thou Merciful, in this hard Dark Age,
To chant in loud and lucid strains, the Sacred Word,
O Lord, having descended into this plane below,
Helpest Thou the living entities,
To span the Worldly-Ocean across;
To cast off the Trinity, and reach the Fourth Abode,
Whence the Living Name unfolds,
And the Living Mastership.

Bathed in Glory and Effulgent Light,
Thy servant tenders this Solemn Petition:

Grant us even The Regionless Region,
The Chief Abode, the Sphere of Bliss,
The Holy Refuge at Thy Feet,

-- Light On Ananda Yoga

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