

China rebuts NATO declaration as 'defamatory, provocative, belligerent'

#China #rebuts #NATO #declaration as ' #defamatory , #provocative , #belligerent ' #Asia-Pacific #US


"The NATO Washington Summit Declaration exaggerates tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, which is filled with #Cold #War mentality and belligerent rhetoric, containing prejudiced, defamatory, and provocative content regarding China, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said during a press conference on Thursday.

NATO's so-called security comes at the expense of others' security, and much of the security anxiety NATO peddles is of its own making. The so-called success and strength NATO boasts of pose a significant threat to the world, the spokesperson said.

Establishing imaginary enemies to maintain existence and expand power is NATO's usual tactic. Its persistence in the erroneous positioning of China as a systemic challenge and smearing of China's domestic and foreign policies are exactly that, the spokesperson added."
