#tories and #borisnaro breaking #covid19 records (still) and all #billBC put in the front page is, "Downing Street apologises to Queen over lockdown parties"... way to distract from the actual news, which merits another lockdown
Today in #uk second-highest #covid19 hospitalisations since February, i.e. 11 months ago. #borisnaro still head of state???
#borisnaro https://www.economist.com/leaders/2022/01/15/boris-johnson-has-always-been-unfit-to-be-prime-minister soon 200,000 Brits dead with #covid19 in death certificate http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2021/09/03/borisnaro-data/
Over 1,000 #covid19 deaths in #uk in past 3 days. #borisnaro still our national leader? A miracle. We need "INDEPENDENCE DAY" FROM Borisnaro. "Freedom Day" = Freedom FROM BORISNARO.
#borisnaro : let's open up all the #football stadiums. Outcome: a stadium-sized population of #covid19 patients http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/01/06/data-vs-freedom-day/
Another day passes, another 231 dead in the #uk with #covid19 and another quarter million new cases (assuming they still get only partial data, as in previous days). #borisnaro has failed us with #brexit and now with this...
● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ Why It’s Time We Reclaimed Patriotism From Populist-Nationalist Figures like #Borisnaro and #OrangeNazi https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/01/04/why-its-time-we-reclaimed-patriotism-from-populist-nationalist-figures-like-boris-johnson-and-donald-trump/
● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ The Brazilian Dictatorship and the Two Demons https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/01/04/the-brazilian-dictatorship-and-the-two-demons/ we have our own dictator, #borisnaro , modeled after pseudo-macho #bolsonaro
#borisnaro : #covid19 nearly killed me (despite having the best medical treatment), so I want you to go through the same...
Half a year after #borisnaro declaring his deeply misguided and manic Fiefdom Day we have another 157,758 new #covid19 cases for the day -- an increase of 50% in just one week
#covid19 out of control in the #uk (new numbers just published)... another day, another 203 dead, 189,846 new cases, and now we're dealing with more than double the daily hospitalisations we had only a fortnight ago. Great job, #borisnaro ... with your Fiefdom Day PR stunt
#borisnaro says we're better off now than a year ago. In other news, #covid19 has not yet killed as much as the 'Spanish' flu. Relativism for face-saving by #tories
People tested positive in #uk (for today): 183,037. Tories: Meh, that's nothing. #borisnaro ‘would rather let bodies pile high’ (in his own words) https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-dominic-cummings-lockdown-b1837326.html
Later today we'll start seeing (again) just to what incredible extent #covid19 spreads through the #uk population. Estimates said 1 in 35 people (or about 1.5 million in total) caught it in just 7 days prior to the holidays. That's like 200,000 citizens per day. #borisnaro thinks it's OK: http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2021/07/20/mass-infection/
We already saw how 'macho' our Pry Minister #borisnaro is... a year ago when he could barely breathe. If he wasn't rich and politically-connected, he would almost certainly have died. Even at a relatively young age (for #covid19 fatalities). Don't trust a word out of this liar's mouth... now they try to downplay the severity of the plague -- the last resort or PR tactic is becoming a COVID denier.
#covid19 became so prevalent/rampant in the #uk that even when I go food-shopping -- the only activity that puts me close to other humans (except my wife) -- I'm dressed up almost like improvised 'hazmat mode'. Helps keep people away... (because many do not respect distance and don't bother masking, emboldened by #borisnaro with pseudo-machoism)
● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #borisnaro #covid19 ☞ UKania’s #Tories on the Skids https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/22/ukanias-tories-on-the-skids/
One person like that
● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #uk ☞ In the Great Tradition of Populist Leaders, #Borisnaro Can No Longer Tell Truth From Falsehood https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/21/in-the-great-tradition-of-populist-leaders-boris-johnson-can-no-longer-tell-truth-from-falsehood/
● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #covid19 #borisnaro ☞ Forbidden Parties: Boris Johnson’s Law on Illegal Covid Gatherings https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/21/forbidden-parties-boris-johnsons-law-on-illegal-covid-gatherings/