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#Clairvoyance, #clairaudience, #clairsentience, and #claircognizance are the four main clairs.

These are psychic psychic modalities and gifts. When you know what your dominant intuitive gift is, it helps you develop that modality better so you can become more psychic. Let’s go over the four clairs now to clarify each one.

Clairvoyance means “clear seeing,” and it is what happens in your third eye. The third eye is your sixth chakra, it is where we experience clairvoyance. It is between the anatomical eyes.

With clairaudience, that is “clear hearing,” you hear messages in your ears.

Clairsentience is “clear feeling,” and so that’s when you feel sensations in your body that match something that is going on in your life or in someone you know.

Claircognizance is “clear knowing.” That’s when you just know something to be true, even though you didn’t see it, hear it or feel it. You just know it.
It's like when one of the girls at work was pregnant and I got the hit that she was days before she announced it. Or when a friend broke up and didn't announce it until days later.. it's when you JUST KNOW!

#Clairalience means "clear smelling." It is the 5th clair and not as common.

Those are the 5 clairs. When you can identify which one is your dominant one, then you can develop your own intuitive abilities, work on it and strengthen it.

When doing exercises to strengthen your clair, focus on the hits not the misses. Practice makes #perfect.
