Hackaday (unofficial) December 10, 2024 1:00pm Updated Mouse Ring Does It With a Joystick #peripheralshacks #bluetooth #computermouse #hid #mouse #mousering #nrf52840 #seeedxiaonrf52840 #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Updated Mouse Ring Does It With A Joystick Have you ever wished for easy mouse controls to go along with your VR headset experience? Or maybe you just want a cooler way to mouse in general. In any case, look no further than [rafgaj78]’…
Hackaday (unofficial) March 29, 2023 12:00am A New Gaming Shell For a Mouse #peripheralshacks #3dresinprinter #computermouse #industrialdesign #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 A New Gaming Shell For A Mouse For some gamers, having a light fast polling mouse is key. [Ali] of [Optimum Tech] loved his 23-gram mouse but disliked the cord. Not seeing any options for a comparable wireless mouse, he decided …
Hackaday (unofficial) May 29, 2022 3:00am Soap Mouse Is a Slippery Interface for Mid-Air Input #peripheralshacks #computermouse #gamingmouse #mouse #offtheshelf #opticalmouse #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Soap Mouse Is A Slippery Interface For Mid-Air Input We all have those gnarly hacks that we still think about years after we first saw them. For serial tipster [Inne], one of those is [Patrick Baudisch]’s soap mouse, which is a DIY device for m…
Hackaday (unofficial) March 5, 2022 1:00pm Depraz Mouse Clone Has a USB Tail #peripheralshacks #computermouse #depraz #deprazmouse #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Depraz Mouse Clone Has A USB Tail In 1980, Logitech started selling a round, three-button input device known the Depraz mouse or Swiss mouse, which was made by — you guessed it — a Swiss company called Depraz. At the ti…