

I love a good conspiracy yarn as much as anyone. @Will Hill and Dr. Roy Schestowitz seem to push far into paranoia territory

The latest is this from Will: "Microsoft mouthpiece uses an old Gnome2 screen and lack of details to vilify gnu/linux".

Referring to this Verge article: "Russian malware infiltrated the Nasdaq servers, says Businessweek"

In it, Will claims:

We are supposed to think the crackers used gnu/linux and that Nasdaq's gnu/linux servers were infested with "a mess of malware".

I read the article and returned puzzled. So I asked Will:

Um. Where exactly in all of this is the insinuation that Bad People Use Linux?

His response:

When is the last time you saw a Gnu/Linux desktop screenshot on the verge? This is the first time I have.

The image, by the way, is this one best I can tell, which Will describes as "an old Gnome2 screen".

So I plugged the image into Google's reverse image search to see where it might possibly have come from. You know, stock art or something.

Actually, the source is an earlier Verge piece: "This is the most secure computer you’ll ever own". Which is obviously about Windows ME, right?

Um, no.

Tails is the secure system that protected Edward Snowden. Here's how it works.

From the moment you boot up, your computer leaves footprints....

Not this computer, though. It's running Tails, an open-source operating system designed to leave as little trace as possible, launching version 1.0 today after more than five years of open development. It's an amnesiac system, which means it's completely fresh every time you boot up. There are no save files, no new programs, and most importantly, it becomes a blank slate the moment you shut down. It's the digital equivalent of buying a new computer for a single session and tossing it into the river once you're done....

The desktop looks and feels like Linux (Tails is based on the Debian distribution), but the programs all lead you to privacy by default.

Yeah. The Verge are trashing Linux and Tails is only something Teh Badz Guise use. Um. No.

So, is The Verge, is clearly a highly focused technology website, right? Um, no. From its about page:

[Its] mission is to offer in-depth reporting and long-form feature stories, breaking news coverage, product information, and community content in a unified and cohesive manner.

You'll also learn it was founded in 2011 and is associated with Vox Media. I don't have a strong sense about Vox, but there's a Wikipedia Vox Media article. One of my favorite media watchdog sites, Sourcewatch.org has no dirt on them.

So, but still, The Verge are really biased against Linux and totally favor like Microsoft and stuff, right?

Well, there's a site search function, and using it I find (counts as of recently):

And looking at the competition:

Which is about the sort of mix I'd expect from a mainstream news site. You might compare these against other such, say, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, BBC, All Things D, etc.

The response from Will so far has been crickets, while best I can tell, Roy Schestowitz has elected to block me, though I can't say when, as he's no longer among my contacts and his user page is blank viewed from a logged-in session but not when accessed from another session:

As I said: I'm all for a good conspiracy yarn, and I can tell you a few. Many do include a reasonable amount of mental elasticity, but I'm finding Will Hill is reaching so far that he's encroaching on Elastigirl, Stretch Armstrong, and Plastic Man territory. I really hope he doesn't hurt himself.

As for credibility, yeah, that's pretty much all shot to hell.

People, that's all you've got here. Exercise it.

And a musical interlude: Kinks: Destroyer.

#paranoia #conspiracytheries #theverge #linux #debian #ubuntu #tailsos #mainstreammedia