

Bradley's Bunch: a passel of Peak Oil protestation purveyors

In firming up the References section of the dreddit Wiki, I've been looking for a good source of idiots^Wcritics of peak oil / limits thinking. I believe I've just hit the mother lode: Robert L. Bradley's "Resourceship: An Austrian theory of mineral resources".

I ran across this looking for citations and preferably critiques of Milton Friedman's
"The Energy Crisis: A Humane Solution", itself worth a demolition critique.

Instead, hosted at GMU (Koch affiliated educational institution), I found an essay by Robert L. Bradley, Libertarian CEO of the Koch-affiliated Institute for Energy Research:...

Continued at the dreddit in "Bradley's Bunch: a passel of Peak Oil protestation purveyors"

#peakoil #energy #resources #limitstogrowth #denialism #denial #cornucopian