

EichelhÀher nimmt Eichel in den Schnabel / Jay picks an acorn to His Beak

Ein graublauer Vogel auf einer herbstlichen Wiese pickt eine Eichel vom Boden, schiebt sie sich in den Schlund und schaut nach weiteren Eicheln fĂŒr seine Wintervorratshaltung.

A gray-blue bird in an autumnal meadow picks an acorn from the ground, shoves it down its gullet and looks for more acorns to store for the winter.

mastodon: EichelhÀher nimmt Eichel in den Schnabel / Jay picks an acorn to His Beak

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What a fortunate choice

Of walking places that is. I was going to go for a walk in the park down in the village but instead headed out to Cwm Mawr which is further along the valley. It is a now disused site where once there was coal mining. Now it is a large park where people go for exercise, dog walking and whatever. Walking in the dappled shade of trees I heard the distinct cronk of a raven, and then another answering. And for a couple of hundred metres I was accompanied by the sounds and sight of a pair of ravens. There are more in the valley every year and I welcome and celebrate their return. They are making their way back into England too, even into urban areas round Manchester.
They will pick our bones clean when we are all dead.
#corvid #corvids #raven #ravens