

"Nature don't do straight angles !"
How many times did you read this when it's about natural structures looking like stairways, walls, massive stones looking like if it was carved by giants...by aliens !
Of course nature do straight angles ! Nature do crystals !
I'm experimenting macro-photo on some minerals from my collection, it's not precious ones, I don't have precious stones, but I enjoy to found or buy some pretty ones.
It's a small part of the collection and I need better lights and more training !

#photo #MyPics #minerals #crystals #nature #science


I mentioned recently in my Instagram story that I finally found my "inspirational amethyst." I had started to think it was gone forever, so I was relieved to come across the box where I packed it in a prior move.

The story behind this little crystal goes back to my teenage years. I was walking along the rural road where I grew up, probably on my way to a friend's house, and this bit of purple in the gravel along the edge of the road caught my eye.

The sand & gravel companies in the area carve out massive deposits of glacial till. I'm guessing an ancient glacier transported this little rock from wherever it formed, and it eventually ended up in material used for road maintenance. That it ended up where I would notice it and be able to just pick it up was pure chance. It was an intriguing find.

Years later, this amethyst crystal was the inspiration for certain elements in an epic fantasy series that I started. None of the books in that series are on the market yet, but the first book in the series talks about a couple items made with amethysts, especially an unfinished crystal used in a piece of jewelry. When I wrote that, I was thinking of the one pictured here and something I wanted to make with it when I was young.

#writing #fantasy #novels #inspiration #crystals #amethyst #ownwork