

Vesce des haies - Vicia sepium L

Vesce des haies - Vicia sepium L


Cliché du 12 avril 2024 - Mes autres photos : https://pixelfed.social/dandauge

Plante vivace, herbacée, pubescente et grimpante de la famille des fabaceae, qui mesure de 30 à 80 cm de hauteur. Ses feuilles sont constituées de 10 à 14 folioles entières, larges de 1 cm, ovales-obtuses, et terminées par une vrille au sommet. Ses fleurs violettes, striées de pourpre, se présentent en grappes de 2 à 6. Elles mesurent moins de 15 mm de longueur et se montrent généralement de mai à septembre. Le nom de genre Vicia provient du latin et signifie « entrelacer », car les tiges grimpantes de ces espèces s’entrelacent aux plantes voisines.

#jardin #flore #fleur #flower #botanique #botanik #plantes #plants #photography #photo #nature #biodiversité #environnement #mywork #myphoto #photographie #végétal


https://meow.social/@WahFo/112290257068057401 WahFo@meow.social - Animal of the day (164)

Although declared extinct in the wild in 2019, not all hope is lost for the Spix's Macaw. This gorgeous bird once inhabited the drainage basin of the São Francisco River, in Brazil. It had a very restricted natural habitat due to its dependence on a particular tree species. The 2011 animated movie Rio actually portrayed the story of the supposed last pair of Spix's macaws. Thankfully, the species is now maintained through captive breeding programs, and efforts are being made to restore its natural habitat and reintroduce it to the wild. Mating for life, a pair typically also enjoys sharing food and mutual grooming.

#Wahnimals #BlooBurbWeek #animals #nature #birds
(📸: see Alt Text)


Roseate Spoonbills

At Myakka River State Park (FL) before heading South to the Everglades. A calm day today with a little time to sift through the phone and even a card or two from camera. The good stuff will likely be via YouTube (sorry, but ad-free at least) and on Flickr.

(I can't post lots more big images 'here' without deleting many things I submitted to groups, contests, etc.... just a hassle, though I tried, so....)

"Making lemonade when you have lemons" mode has been challenging and fun (creatively). Fewer wading birds all around South Florida this spring, but OK, I would like something new: Crocodiles! No. I found bugs. (Or they found me.) Some were photogenic,
Some were scary.

I tried various abstract things with the light and shape and colors around me. Hope to eke some of that out soon.

Today was butterfly day!

Atala Butterfly

I'd heard from a handful of folks as I took a walk which was recommended - very close to me, in a bird sanctuary. A unique butterfly which only grows on a rare shrub which grows here; interesting color and pattern (luminous blue/purple).
Today many caterpillars were on those bushes. Springtime for them too.

And then after a long time there I found a Butterfly House in the Wilderness, pretty cool...

So butterflies and abstract 'impressions' to come, well into when I return to NYC in time to avoid hurricanes, Love Bugs, and a trillion cicadas in June.

My camera and my feet are soooo dead!

#Fenfotos #MyVideo #RoseateSpoonbill #Birds #Butterflies #Atala #Nature More/mas @ fenfotos.com/nature


Géranium Herbe à Robert - Geranium robertianum L

Géranium Herbe à Robert - Geranium robertianum L


Cliché du 12 avril 2024 - Mes autres photos : https://pixelfed.social/dandauge

plante annuelle ou bisannuelle de la famille des Géraniacées (Geraniaceae) aux feuilles alternes, de forme composée ou lobée, découpée. Les fleurs sont en ombelle ou solitaires, de couleur rose. Elle fleurit de mars à septembre. Elle est en partie comestible et médicinale.

#jardin #flore #fleur #flower #botanique #botanik #plantes #plants #photography #photo #nature #biodiversité #environnement #mywork #myphoto #photographie #végétal


https://meow.social/@WahFo/112278940879021884 WahFo@meow.social - Animal of the day (162)

With their iridescent blues and stylish crests, the Blue Jay and the Steller's Jay are two of the most stunning birds of North America. Together, they form the genus Cyanocitta, and because they sometimes interbreed, their status as distinct species has been contested. While the Steller's jay inhabits the mountain chain system along the Pacific coast, the blue jay is spread through southern Canada and most of the eastern and central United States. They feed on a variety of seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, and occasionally prey on small animals. When the time comes for a female to find a mate, she will gather a dozen males and have them compete to keep up with her flying around all day, until only one remains. The two then bond for life.

#Wahnimals #BlooBurbWeek #animals #nature #birds
(📸: see Alt Text)


#kompost #garten #natur #nature #garden

ich kämpfe mich also durch den ersten teil des dschungels.

#esgibt "guten kompost, stachelkompost und stockkompost"

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ein link zum kompostieren hier: https://www.nabu-heidelberg.de/im-natur-und-erlebnisgarten/kompost-das-schwarze-gold/

ich lass den gerne länger reifen, aber ich mache meist auch wilde gärten, deshalb ist es wohl bisschen anders, es fallen ja gefühlte tonnen material an...