

Fahrplan für DiVOC Bridging Bubbles

Moin! Den Fahrplan fürs DiVOC Bridging Bubbles (15. - 17. April '22) biete ich auch wieder auf Calendify an: https://calendify.com/schedule/0P2ROeogQW9 . Ihr könnt euch da das eigene Programm im Browser zusammenklicken. Die Daten werden 10-minütlich von c3voc gesynct und sind damit aktuell. Fragen, Lobhudelei + dumme Sprüche zum UI gern an mich. Viel Freude beim DiVOC und Spaß am Gerät!

PS: Auf der “CCC Events”-Seite könnt ihr euch automagisch über kommende Chaos-Veranstaltungen informieren lassen. Gibt's als RSS-/Atom-Feed oder iCal-Abo für die Kalender-Lösung eurer Wahl.

#divoc #ccc #events #schedule #fahrplan #software #app @chaosupdates@diasp.org


Keep your personal conference schedules permanently

FOSDEM 2021 is over and while watching a lot of interesting talks, I had the chance to work on the schedule component of Calendify. During the event there was the complete conference schedule available, from which you could create your own personal schedule by choosing your favorite sessions. If desired, you could also add them to your personal calendar. There was only one issue: the choice couldn't be saved permanently.

That's why I've added a new feature: As a registered user you can now save your personal schedule permanently on the platform. This is useful if, for instance, you want to access it from different devices or want to have a look on it after the event. The best thing: the old way of creating your own schedules still works, even if you are not logged in. (But I can strongly recommend to create an account as long as your username is still available ;D).

The new feature will be tested and extended at upcoming FOSS events, chaos events and hacker conferences. It should then also be possible to share your personal schedule with others and get notifications as soon as video recordings of your favorite sessions are available. Maybe there will also be an option to see which sessions your friends are interested in.

The next supported events are DiVOC in April (as a replacement for Easterhegg), GPN21, re:publica and TINCON in May, and MCH2021 in August. Just stop by there to get notified as soon as the conference schedules are available.

#fosdem #fosdem2021 #divoc #easterhegg #gpn #gpn21 #mch #mch2021 #foss #floss #ccc #conference #schedule #calendar #webapp #events