

Today I learned that an abuser can mail a package to a prior address, with an Apple AirTag in it, and find the victim's new address, if the victim set up mail forwarding. 😮 😢

I just peer-reviewed a forensic analysis in a case.
The suspect mailed a package with a hidden Apple AirTag in it to a victim's old home address.
The package was forwarded to her new (and formerly safe) address....

#DV #DomesticViolence


You Can’t Talk About the J’s and Israhell and Their Next False Flag Attack!
Here’s what happens next… a major false flag attack, possibly on Nov 23 in the UK, and then they put all the migrants in motion causing chaos and anti-muslim sentiment to attack Iran and WWIII… all of which leads to financial collapse.

You Can’t #Talk About the J’s and Israhell and Their Next #FalseFlag #Attack!

Here’s what happens next… a major false flag attack, possibly on Nov 23 in the UK, and then they put all the migrants in motion causing chaos and anti-muslim sentiment to attack Iran and WWIII… all of which leads to financial collapse. Hurricane ...