

Please use this link to see the post in it's correctly rendered form: [PLACEHOLDER]St.. erm Copied textual meme from some old screenshot from a user called mistery-stitch:

My kitten tried to kill my stuffed tribble. My roommate remarked that my tribble killing cat would make a great Klingon pet ... and she's right.
Imagine a Klingon ship having a cat that protects them from tribbles & vermin. They have to get the cat from a shelter run by humans and they're like: "This is the honorable Mr. Chonks".

"Yes, our ship also has an earth feline. Her name is Carrot and she fights like a warrior."

There's absolutely a Klingon out there who lost an eye to a feral cat that he then adopted.

Klingons who go "pspspspspspsps" to get the Ship Cat to come hang out during break.

Orange Ship Cat that gets lost in the jefferies tubes and a Klingon whose sole job is to go fetch the orange cat. He acts like he hates his job but he actually really adores his feline co-worker so much.

Klingon that always hand things to the Ship Cat so it can sniff it.

Klingon that intentionally grab boxes to enrich Ship Cat's little life.
Sometimes they get multiple boxes and the crew bets on which box will be deemed "best box" by their fluffy little warrior.

Klingon that starts his work shift saying "Qapla'!" to the Ship Cat who meows in return.

Newly Minted Ship Kitten climbing up to a Klingon Captain's shoulder with her tiny needle claws while said Captain is attempting to be intimidating on the viewscreen.

Klingon who gets a head bump from Ship Cat and gives a head bump back.

Actually, i imagine, a ship cat could have a good amount of fun with a very fresh bowl of Gagh. ;)

Shoot, if felines actually like gagh.. Imagine said Captain sitting in his chair, snacking a bit, while a bunch of kitten scramble all over him to get their pieces.... aaaaaaaawwww. ;)
#meme #text #cat #cats #fedicats #caturday #everydayiscaturday #randomshit ;)

frater chaos - 2023-11-05 18:45:58 GMT