

[2021-07-22 21:01:52] <@Digit> sometimes, need a re-up on a dose of bill hicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZMxbpiug9M
^ Bill Hicks - You're Free; to do what we Tell You (Waco Massacre)

#billhicks #redose #waco #freetodowhatwetellyou

still need to mend this. still need to change this ride. :) and we can. any time. a choice. between fear and love. so please, join us all, stop letting yourself succumb to the ploys to get you to fear everybody, and start getting together to discuss remedies.

or we could just leave it to the demons to run amuck, leave it to the tiny few, already long corrupted by imbalances of power, with their ploys of terror, and have no say, let them do as they do unto us... is that turning the other cheek? i'm not so sure. and i don't think that's a fitting approach in full and whole, for the situation we're presented with... flipping tables of the money changers for committing usury, may be more the tone required.

the world over. while we still can. so we dont lose the ability to mend this. window of opportunity.