

#Garden #Frontyard #Happydance

We love our front garden, it is tiny, but still, now we have the whole lot filled with plants and the flowers pop up all over the place, I just can not help but smile every single time I look outside :-D
In a few years the plants will be bigger, the whole lot filling out side to side, but this, our first year, with all the rain and the sun, is a very good start!

I spend each morning about half an hour outside, to go around the planters and weed out any unwanted stuff, with horsetail being the most dominant pest.
I dig them carefully out each time I see one popping up out of the lavastone, and try to get as much of its root as I can find.
It will be a long battle, but I will win it ;-)
After a round made and all checked out (for slugs, not to be touched with bare hands, as you will have one hell of a scrub to get rid of that slime!) Ill just spend around half an hour with my cup of coffee enjoying everything.
The high planters make gardening possible for me, as my balance is real bad, and I have the constant danger of falling when I go down to low.
All in all, money well spend!