

Eine vielleicht ungewollte Realität für #fuckputin*ers und #RusslandLügt-Befürworter.

Einige der Berichte, die man in nicht-"westlichen" Nachrichtenkanälen lesen kann, geben vielleicht ein genaueres Bild der Ereignisse, als das, was die #taz veröffentlicht.

Wenn es in Ordnung ist, Hass gegen #Putin und #Russland zu schüren, dann sollte es auch in Ordnung sein, Hass gegen all jene zu schüren, die genauso oder noch schlimmer in ihren Verbrechen sind.

Da ich die taz nur gelegentlich lese, kann ich nicht wirklich sagen, ob die taz in ihren Artikeln die USA, Biden oder europäische Politiker gleichermaßen beschimpft.

Für Leute, die dazu neigen, diese Art von Sprache zu benutzen, sollten sie auch #fuckall Lügenmedien und Lügenmenschen sagen. In Ost oder West und sogar ein #fucktaz könnte angebracht sein

Ich werde jedoch nicht dazu aufrufen, die #taz zu f**ken, denn woher weiß ich, dass ihre Artikel nicht umfassende, unvoreingenommene, objektive Berichte sind, die auf gründlichem investigativem Journalismus beruhen, und nicht nur Erzählungen zur Unterstützung ihrer Agenda.

A perhaps unwanted reality for #fuckputin*ers and #RussiaLies advocates.

Some of the reports you can read in non-"western" news channels may give a more accurate picture of events than what the #taz publishes.

If it's ok to stir up hatred against #Putin and #Russia, then it should be ok to stir up hatred against all those who are just as or worse in their crimes.

Since I only read the taz occasionally, I can't really say if the taz is equally bashing the US, Biden, or European politicians in its articles.

For people who tend to use that kind of language, they should also say #fuckall lying media and lying people. East or West and even a #fucktaz might be appropriate

I'm not going to call for f**king the #taz though, because how do I know their articles aren't comprehensive, unbiased, objective reports based on thorough investigative journalism, not just narratives to support their agenda.


idk, but seems to me, in response to the wording i saw on a meme...

"I went to the store, I did not wear a face mask.
The store owner challenged me where my face mask was.
I told him I did not need one as I had my lucky rock.
He said "oh what does that do?" I said
"the same as your mask, fuck all.""

except, I've not seen studies showing lucky rocks, rather than prevent spread of pathogens, actually increase it, to the point that instructions had to be put on the packaging masks come in, stating in large bold letters that they do not provide protection. ... but I guess that's one of the lucky rocks that were acquired in panicked haste that overlooked such safety concerns.

meme seen @ https://johnplatinumgoss.com/offguardian/ ( some of which, are really good, both in terms of laughs, and in terms of breaking hypnotic spells. )

#luckyrock #fuckall
#incubationlayer #worsethanfuckall