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#Mula #Nakshatra is located right at the beginning of the last nine Nakshatras in the Nakshatra wheel, spanning 0º00′ – 13º20′ Sagittarius.

Just like all the Nakshatras ruled by the Lunar Nodes, Mula offers incredible healing opportunities, if one is willing to work through the muck.

Mula is symbolized by a tangle of #roots, entangled roots, showing the attachment to earthly matters we are asked to let go of on this part of the souls journey through it’s evolutionary cycle. Yet at the same time its important to have strong roots that keep us grounded while preparing to reach for the stars, in other words, it’s important to stay anchored in the material world so we can safely reach and let the soul advance without getting untethered.

As mentioned, some Nakshatras truly have a negative rep in astrologers circle. Mula is one of them, Ashlesha Nakshatra is another, so is Jyeshtha Nakshatra. Interestingly, all these Nakshatras, and of course there are others that can be difficult, toe the degrees between Water and Fire signs, the #Gandanta degrees that can cause so much (emotional) turmoil due to their qualities of showing where our spiritual entanglements lie, the karmic knot.We have three of these Gandantas in the Nakshatra Wheel, effecting all Nakshatras on the border between Water and Fire signs: Ashlesha/Magha, Jyeshtha/Mula, Revati/Ashwini. The Jyeshtha/Mula Gandanta is considered the most difficult of all three and holds an entire chapter of consideration and remedies on it’s own in the ancient text Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS).

To me, Mula Nakshatra is one with great potential for personal transformation, especially if you are not afraid to do the dirty work, dig deep and unravel some of the entanglement that keep the mind bound. This is a great constellation for research, searching for truth, dharma, unveiling some of the earthly illusions that are part of our everyday life. But also research in an academic sense, which makes this a great Nakshatra for scientific work and studies.

We find a chance to transcend our earthly suffering here by acknowledging that materialism isn’t all that it’s made out to be in our capitalist world. Deep peace can be found in realizing that everything will come to an end, which is where new beginnings are found. It’s also important to come to terms with loss. As mentioned before, this is a Nakshatra of poverty, but also of riches and abundance. Ruled by #Nritti, the #Godess of Disappointment, Smoke and Shadows, a milder version of the Goddess Kali – the destroyer of ignorance, and Alakshmi – the negative aspect of the Goddess of Abundance, Lakshmi.

Nritti shows us that nothing is permanent and we are sure to get disappointed at more than one time in life. She also shows great compassion for those less fortunate and people with mental health issues. Mula has the capacity to truly create change, as long as we can understand it’s nature and can learn to transcend through suffering.

The thing that keeps us in a cycle of fear and unhappiness when it comes to this Ketu ruled Nakshatra, is the fear of facing our deepest fears around these issues, ironically. A good way to work with this energy is to meditate on loss and what it means to you. Grounding in meditation through Muladhara Chakra is a beautiful practice to work with deep seated security issues and survival modus that can occur here. Working with Ganapati and listening to the Ganapati Atharvashirsha Upanishad can be helpful in settling your mind.