

Combien souvent une bestiole, une petite chose ridicule, se transforme tout à coup en un fantôme immense qui n’est rien sous ses apparences énormes ! Telle est la puissance d’un tailleur habile, telle est l’imbécilité de ceux qui jugent les choses d’après leurs apparences.

‒ Francisco de Goya

#goya #art #gravure


August 1, 2021

Francisco Goya. Spanish Artist.
He painted this mural, along with others, inside his home in Spain. It was not meant for public viewing. It was painted on a wall in the dining room. From Greek mythology it is The God of Time~Cronus devouring his children. Time ultimately consumes all creatures.


#goya #duchessofalba

July 20, 2021: Tuesday . 5:00 PM: Mountain Time
My Book
The Black Duchess (also Mourning Portrait of the Duchess of Alba or simply Portrait of the Duchess of Alba) is a 1797 oil-on-canvas painting by Spanish painter Francisco Goya. The Duchess in the painting is María Cayetana de Silva, 13th Duchess of Alba,**

She went to him and asked that he put her makeup on her face, and paint her. He did. At her feet, she is pointing at the words written in the ground. “Solo Goya”. Only Goya,