

Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862-1918), Country House On Attersee Lake, Upper Austria, 1914. Oil on canvas, 110 x 110 cm

off we'll go in some mo, down to Steinmühle, the monthly MITEINANDER / TOGETHERNESS gonna 'appen wid 8 guyz today, gonna do some garden work, Regina'z gonna cook us some dinner'n we'll talk, oc... being wid closestest ones is kinda heaven, isn't it... so, wish ye all an inoubliable, unforgettable weekend and #caturday (widout a relative pic diz time...)... cya, me dears

ah, nearly forgot, it's #Gustav #Klimt... aka #GustavKlimt #painter of #paintings in the realms of #arts... XD