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In January, the official news section of the GNU Hurd project published the final news for Q3 2023:

Samuel Thibault fixed Hurd’s default PIE for gcc and added support for static PIE. He also added a whatis command to the GNU Mach kernel debugger that can determine what an address points to (stack? port? kalloc?..). Support for hurd-amd64 in GCC was added.

Samuel also asked the Hurd team to organize continuous integration - so that the moment developers make changes to the code, they can be sure they haven’t broken anything.

“It turns out that Hurd supports several different environments: 32 bit, 64 bit, 32 by 64 bit, ACPI, non-ACPI, SMP, non-SMP, Xen, etc. Apparently one of the Hurd developers, Flavio, has a personal CI, but it is set up in a Debian-independent way. If you are interested in helping the Hurd project to build a CI, contact us!”

Luca Dariz has been working on adding some simple tests to the GNU Mach user space. With MiG running, a GNU/Linux machine can run the GNU Mach source code make check command, which will run qemu to verify that 32-bit (PAE and non-PAE), 32-bit on 64-bit, and full 64-bit GNU Mach works. We are currently testing on GNU/Linux as qemu is not functional in Hurd.

A large number of people have been working on the new x86_64 bit support in Hurd. Samuel reported that the 64-bit GNU Hurd port now has enough packages in the debian-ports archive to allow chroot to be loaded. The Debian + GNU Hurd 64-bit build daemon is being configured, and other infrastructure work is also underway. Thibault noted:

“The package build is not very stable. I’ve been trying to build gcc-13 for a couple weeks now, but so far without success. There are various glitches, most often strange errors in the libtool script, which are a sign that the system itself is misbehaving. The way to reproduce the problem is to simply rebuild the package that uses libtool, and sooner or later this will result in a very strange failure.

This means that even though the buildd is ready, I’m really uncomfortable running it knowing that it might behave erratically. When I built the initial set of debian-port packages (~100 packages), I had somewhere around 5-10 such crashes, that’s pretty high:/”

Flavio Cruz improved the GNU Mach IPC by reordering the mach_msg_type_t fields to align msgt_name and msgt_size bytes. He also created a series of patches to avoid message resizing for x86_64. He removed Mach’s untyped RPC code:

“GNU Mach uses a typed IPC. Hurd can support both typed and untyped calls, but Hurd seems to use only typed RPC. So it’s best to remove any untyped RPC code.”

Sergey Bugaev added support for rejoining GNU Mach records. Mach was not always able to merge two virtual machine entries made next to each other, which slowed down ext2, bash, etc. Sergey, on the other hand, allowed GNU Mach to merge records in normal cases, which helped a lot, for example in ext2fs.

Sergey is also working on porting the Ladybird web browser to Hurd. The author of this post (obviously referring to the original post on gnu.org - ed.) is using the netsurf web browser under Hurd, which works on simple websites (such as Wikipedia) but does not render pages with a lot of JavaScript well, making many websites unusable. If Sergei manages to port Ladybird, Hurd users will be able to start using online resources like Github! It’s worth noting that someone should update the Firefox port as well.

Bugayev also started porting Hurd to AArch64! And although a RISC-V port may look more interesting, it is still worth noting that AArch64 is better known.What is interesting is that Sergey already knows how to build Hurd servers for AArch64! Usually you have to port GNU Mach to AArch64 to run binaries, but lucky for us, he turned to GDB and directly ran the Hurd AArch64 “Hello World” binary on Linux!This helped him fix some bugs.The ABI has yet to be defined and the GNU Mach port finalized, but for now this is awesome news!

Tobias Platen has started porting GNU Mach to the Power9 platform. In case anyone has a desire to check out the performance of their favorite packages under Hurd and their promotion of the entire GNU system to the wider community, please check out the participation page.

For reference, GNU Hurd (or simply Hurd) is a free software project that aims to replace the Unix kernel for Unix-like operating systems.Development of Hurd has been underway since 1990 by the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation. Progress has been slow because of the existence of Linux, a ready-made free replacement for Unix kernels. Details can be found both on Wikipedia and on the official GNU Hurd project page. In turn, GNU Mach is an implementation of the Mach microkernel, which is the default in GNU Hurd.

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Итоги разработки GNU Hurd за 4 квартал 2023 года 9 января в официальном новостном разделе проекта GNU Hurd были опубликованы итоговые новости за 3 квартал 2023 года: ( читать дальше... ) __ gnu, hurd, чудеса #lang_ru #ru #linuxorgru #линукс #linux

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