

I cannot adequately express the full depth of the loathing I feel towards the Conservative Party, but in particular Priti Patel. Most of the cabinet are inadequate fuckwits who have wandered into their positions through sheer bad luck, and their only real flaw is they've decided to stay put. Not Priti. Priti is truly a vile and contemptible creature. Nye Bevan's "lower than vermin" quote is about the only thing that comes close to expressing a suitable amount of disgust for this deplorable racist, fascist piece of cruelty incarnate.

The whole, "let's send those most in need of help to Rwanda" plan is wrong in every sense of the word. It's wrong because it cannot possibly act as a deterrent because nothing is going to deter someone so desperate as to cross the channel in a small boat. It's wrong because treating those most in need with such contempt is about as plainly unethical as one can imagine, short of proposing to actually cook and eat the refugees instead. It's wrong because claiming there is no other option is an insult to the intelligence of every sane human being - for God's sake, one of the world's largest economies has no other option but to send a single figure number of refugees to one of the world's poorest ? Fuck off Priti. If sending "even one" is now supposedly enough, the only conclusion is not that this is some half-baked scheme of a well-intentioned lunatic, but one born of sheer rapacious cruelty.

Do the world a favour and eat shit and die.

