

I2P Celebrates it's 20th Year - Blog


It's hard to believe, but I2P has been around for nearly 20 years! From it's beginnging as a C project which provided anonymous access to IRC, we've had hundreds of contributors, accepted checkins from dozens of coders, used 2 main languages, 3 version control systems, experienced a migration of it's crypography, and multiple soft-forks. There have been around 500 registered sites on the Invisible Web, and countless unregistered I2P sites that were only accessible via their cryptographic hostnames.

Thanks to the participation of users like you, the network has grown from a tiny group of power users to over 75,000 nodes operated from all over the world, made of I2P routers bundled in perhaps dozens of applications. Today I2P is available in on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, and has ports for FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and many other systems. I2P can run on phones and even in SOHO routers(thanks to the independent C++ implementation of the protocol, i2pd).

#i2p #i2pd #linux #osx #windows #bsd #anonymous #privacy #security #encryption #cryptography


Приватность - это право.
Рекомендую канал, дружественный моему каналу. Подробный разбор инструментов для обеспечения приватности в сети, особенно с помощью #i2p и клиента #i2pd.
Полезно хотя бы иметь представление в 2021 году о приватных, анонимных, безопасных и альтернативных сетях, а также что #darknet не всегда dark, и что #TOR - не лучший во всём.


#анонимность #приватность

I2P: протокол невидимого интернета. Как устроена самая анонимная сеть? Что такое I2Pd? | #4