

I'm done with systemd because it sucks

I have to much issues with #systemd that I'm willing to continue, here are the 2 major ones:

1) On system startup, I don't see all the starting daemons anymore, just until #initrd is finished and then nothing more until #LightDM starts and the graphical UI comes up

2) Console output is no more scrolling down. Maybe this is the reason for 1) here. So this is what happens: I have to execute a small shell script to decrypt and mount my /home directory. It will mount an USB stick and uses #GnuPG to ask me for a passphrase which decrypts a symmetric key stored on that USB stick (backed up on 2 other sticks). Then it will decrypt the #LUKS device which contains my /home directory. It will also start a filesystem check prior mounting it to /home with fsck.ext4 -yv /dev/mapper/home. For this it outputs messages I actually need to see if all went smooth. SystemD seem to have a bug here that prevents it from showing (no scrolling text). I have to switch consoles e.g. with ALT+F1/F2 and the output is shown again.

This really sucks as this way, I cannot properly maintain my #Linux system. I'm now migrating to #Devuan which is free of systemd and which provides the previous old-but-working #sysvinit . So, goodbye #Debian /systemd and hello Devuan/sysvinit!