Hackaday (unofficial) October 11, 2022 3:00pm Jolly Wrencher SAO, And How KiCad 6 Made It Easy #art #featured #howto #interest #inkscape #jollywrencher #kicad60 #sao #svg #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Jolly Wrencher SAO, And How KiCad 6 Made It Easy If you plan to attend Supercon or some other hacker conference, know that you’re going to get a badge with a SAO (Simple Add-On) connector, a 4-pin or 6-pin connector that you can plug an add…
Hackaday (unofficial) January 18, 2022 4:00pm KiCAD 6.0: What Made It and What Didn’t #featured #interest #softwarehacks #toolhacks #actionplugins #drc #kicad #kicad60 #pcb #schematic #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 KiCAD 6.0: What Made It And What Didn’t I’ve been following the development of KiCAD for a number of years now, and using it as my main electronics CAD package daily for a the last six years or thereabouts, so the release of KiCAD …