Hackaday (unofficial) April 2, 2023 12:00pm Printing a Brutalist Kitchen Timer #clockhacks #microcontrollers #3dprintedcase #7segmentdisplay #atmega328p #kitchentimer #rotaryencoder #tm1637 #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Printing A Brutalist Kitchen Timer A kitchen timer is one of those projects that’s well defined enough to have a clear goal, but allows plenty of room for experimentation with functionality and aesthetics. [Hggh]’s explo…
Hackaday (unofficial) October 1, 2021 9:00pm Minimalist Timer Counts Down With LED Matrix #homehacks #microcontrollers #acrylic #kitchentimer #ledmatrix #ledmatrixdisplay #rotaryencoder #timer #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Minimalist Timer Counts Down With LED Matrix Looking for something with a bit more style than the traditional kitchen timer, [Martin Jonasson] decided to take the last couple of months to design and build his own take on the idea using a rota…