Thai island turns solar: Koh Jik wins sustainable energy award
For decades a small Island in the gulf of Thailand lobbied the local government to join the National Electric Grid but the cost outweighed the benefits.So th...#Envirenment #KohJik #Thailandenergyresources #Thailandsolarenergy #asianews #businessandeconomy #cleanenergy #fossilfuel #greenenergy #kohjikenergygrid #renewableenergy #sustainableenergy #thailandlatestnews #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews
Thai island turns solar: Koh Jik wins sustainable energy award
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