

Found 29 new servers and 31 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,836 servers checked. 13,887,991 Total Users with 1,665,296 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

lemmy.projetretro.io a #lemmy server from France
fedi.vimmy.cfd a #snac server from United Kingdom
adolf.ibco.dob.jp a #misskey server from Private
babyhollywood.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
joshlevy.ca a #writefreely server from United States
morumotto.agnesta.ch a #mastodon server from Private
geoguesskey.etn.icu a #firefish server from United States
pub.kosui.me a #kosui server from Private
andeby.city a #mastodon server from Portugal
www.trantion.uk a #wordpress server from United Kingdom
mi.nca10.moe a #misskey server from Private
misskey.pwn.moe a #misskey server from Private
misskey.fitudao.work a #misskey server from Private
ntks.crcr.works a #hometown server from Private
mreow.de a #mastodon server from Germany
goto.televerse.mov a #gotosocial server from Finland
mastodon.runcheck.net a #mastodon server from France
ccghell.com a #mastodon server from Portugal
1040ste.net a #mastodon server from Ireland
mastodon.juniperrae.net a #mastodon server from United States
infrastruct.social a #mastodon server from Germany
fairly.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
akasaka.org a #mastodon server from Portugal
firefish.stawz.lol a #firefish server from Germany
mi.natsu.works a #misskey server from Japan
mastodon.jfr.im a #pleroma server from United States
setouchi.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
nemu.suiminn.moe a #misskey server from Private
masto.nerdy-technician.social a #mastodon server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 24 new servers and 28 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,838 servers checked. 13,887,991 Total Users with 1,665,296 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

morumotto.agnesta.ch a #mastodon server from Private
pub.kosui.me a #kosui server from Private
geoguesskey.etn.icu a #firefish server from United States
andeby.city a #mastodon server from Portugal
www.trantion.uk a #wordpress server from United Kingdom
mi.nca10.moe a #misskey server from Private
misskey.pwn.moe a #misskey server from Private
ntks.crcr.works a #hometown server from Private
misskey.fitudao.work a #misskey server from Private
mastodon.runcheck.net a #mastodon server from France
ccghell.com a #mastodon server from Portugal
mreow.de a #mastodon server from Germany
goto.televerse.mov a #gotosocial server from Finland
firefish.stawz.lol a #firefish server from Germany
mastodon.juniperrae.net a #mastodon server from United States
akasaka.org a #mastodon server from Portugal
1040ste.net a #mastodon server from Ireland
infrastruct.social a #mastodon server from Germany
fairly.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
mi.natsu.works a #misskey server from Japan
mastodon.jfr.im a #pleroma server from United States
setouchi.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
nemu.suiminn.moe a #misskey server from Private
masto.nerdy-technician.social a #mastodon server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 23 new servers and 16 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,846 servers checked. 13,887,991 Total Users with 1,665,296 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

pub.kosui.me a #kosui server from Private
geoguesskey.etn.icu a #firefish server from United States
andeby.city a #mastodon server from Portugal
www.trantion.uk a #wordpress server from United Kingdom
mi.nca10.moe a #misskey server from Private
misskey.pwn.moe a #misskey server from Private
ntks.crcr.works a #hometown server from Private
misskey.fitudao.work a #misskey server from Private
mastodon.runcheck.net a #mastodon server from France
ccghell.com a #mastodon server from Portugal
mreow.de a #mastodon server from Germany
goto.televerse.mov a #gotosocial server from Finland
mi.natsu.works a #misskey server from Japan
infrastruct.social a #mastodon server from The Netherlands
1040ste.net a #mastodon server from Ireland
fairly.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
firefish.stawz.lol a #firefish server from Germany
akasaka.org a #mastodon server from Portugal
mastodon.juniperrae.net a #mastodon server from United States
mastodon.jfr.im a #pleroma server from United States
setouchi.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
nemu.suiminn.moe a #misskey server from Private
masto.nerdy-technician.social a #mastodon server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer