Hackaday (unofficial) October 1, 2024 9:00am Very Tiny Cube Has 384 RGB LEDs #ledhacks #atmega328p #cube #glowable #glowables #ledcube #leds #ws2812b #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Very Tiny Cube Has 384 RGB LEDs When it comes to making things that glow, there are two ways to stand out from the crowd. You can make something very big, or something very small. [DIY GUY Chris] has done the latter, producing a …
Hackaday (unofficial) February 5, 2024 10:00am Fail of the Week: PCB LED Cube Fails Successfully #failoftheweek #ledcube #pcb #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Fail Of The Week: PCB LED Cube Fails Successfully Remember LED cubes? We sure do — they were all the rage for a while, and then it seemed like everyone just sort of lost interest in them. There are probably a lot of reasons for that, not lea…
Hackaday (unofficial) April 20, 2022 7:00pm 2022 Sci-Fi Contest: Glowing LED Cubes Make Captivating Artifacts #contests #ledhacks #2022scificontest #cube #ledcube #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 2022 Sci-Fi Contest: Glowing LED Cubes Make Captivating Artifacts LED cubes were once an exercise in IO mastery, requiring multiplexing finesse in order to drive arrays of many LEDs. Going RGB only increased the challenge. This build from [DIY GUY Chris] shows ho…
Hackaday (unofficial) November 4, 2021 9:00pm Big RGB LED Cube You Can Build Too #ledhacks #ledcube #pd9823 #rgb #teensy40 #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Big RGB LED Cube You Can Build Too LED cubes are really nothing new, many of us consider the building of a good sized one almost an electronics right of passage that not so many manage to find the time or have the skill to pull off.…
Hackaday (unofficial) August 22, 2021 6:00pm DIY LED Cube for the Masses #ledhacks #fpga #ledcube #spinalhdl #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 DIY LED Cube For The Masses No matter what the size or shape of an LED, it brings out the curiosity in every hardware nerd, and is the lifeblood of badge life around the planet. Then there is the LED cube that takes LEDs to a…