

"This is Not a Dress Rehearsal.The stakes are high, the cause is honourable and our collective future is at stake, *the time has come *_to give it all. life has hair all over it to throw caution to the wind and show up as the master that we are. Every aspect of everyone of us is required. No holds barred." ~_12.21.2020

Ever tried. Ever Failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better

                               ~  Peter Dinklage

I had so many dreams of where i wanted to go, who i wanted to be and what i wanted to do.
I was terrified,10 years in a place without heat, 6 years at a job I felt stuck in.
Maybe I was afraid of change.

Raise the rest of your life to meet you. Don’t search for defining moments, because they will never come.
You have your own story to tell
The moments that define you have already happened, and they will already happen again.
I didn’t know that would happen you just get a bit derailed
But soon starts to happen,trust me a rhythm sets in.

You are already here, that’s such enormous step all its own
You’ll find your rhythm, or continue the one you have already found.
The world might say you are not allowed to yet. Don’t wait until they tell you you are ready.

Get in there. Don’t bother telling the world you are ready
“Ever tried, ever failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better.”
Please don’t ever stop, “I waited a long time out in the world before I gave myself permission to fail.”

#poem #poetry #words #writing's #life_experience #wisdom #reading_poetry #rise_up
#quotes #quotation #lifequotes #powerfulwords #possibllities #make_it_happen #the_event #devineintervention

[Fail Better narrated by Samuel Beckett] :https://youtu.be/zdj7fuhyyRs