

🆘 ~350 Menschen in der SAR #Malta in Gefahr!

Ihr Boot treibt und nimmt Wasser auf. Niemand rettet, obwohl sie alle Küstenwachen anriefen. Die #DeepDiscoverer🚢🇧🇸 ist nur wenige sm entfernt.

@Armed_Forces_MT, Schluß mit tödlicher Nichthilfe! Rettet sie jetzt!

via @alarm_phone



Nach 6 Tagen Wartezeit hat das MRCC Rom der #AitaMari Trapani zugewiesen. Seit der Rettung am 19.10. in der SAR #Malta nahe #Lampedusa hatten 105 Menschen an Bord ausharren müssen.

Ankunft in Trapani wird gegen Mitternacht sein.

@maydayterraneo @smhumanitario
via @aurorasuport



🆘 in der SAR-Zone #Malta!

@alarm_phone steht in Kontakt mit 68 Menschen, darunter viele Kinder. Behörden sind seit 15h alarmiert! Sie haben Motorprobleme, es herrscht ein starker Wind, die See ist rauh.
Die europ. Behörden müssen ihrer Pflicht zur Rettung nachkommen!




🆘 #Malta ignoriert nicht nur seine Pflichten in der SAR-Zone, sondern weigert sich auch, bei der Koordinierung eines #PoS mitzuwirken. Und es fordert von der #AitaMari, von seinen Gewässern fern zu bleiben, der einzigen Zone mit weniger Wellen.

@maydayterraneo @smhumanitario



2½ Jahre nachdem die El Hiblu 1 mit 108 Geretteten in #Malta anlegte, wird 3 jungen Männern weiter Terrorismus vorgeworfen, weil sie den illegalen Pushback nach #Libyen verhinderten.

Heute startet die #FreedomCommission, um @ElHiblu3 in ihrem Kampf um Gerechtigkeit beizustehen.

Freedom Commission calls on Malta <br>to dismiss the trial of the ElHiblu3<br><br>Today, the ElHiblu3 Freedom Commission is launched! It calls on Malta to im-<br>mediately dismiss the proceedings against three young men – the ElHiblu3. <br>Two-and-a-half years after the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1 arrived in Malta <br>with 108 rescued people on board, the prosecution hasn’t formulated an <br>official charge. Upon arrival, the three African teenagers were arrested and <br>accused of a multiplicity of crimes, including acts of terrorism and the hi-<br>jacking of the vessel. Until today, Malta has denied them a fair trial and has <br>violated their basic human rights. <br>In March 2019, some 100 migrants had left Libya in a rubber boat, seeking to <br>escape to Europe. 108 people were rescued from distress by the merchant vessel <br>El Hiblu 1, whose captain was instructed to do so by an aircraft of the operation <br>EUNAVFOR Med. Some of the migrants remained on the rubber boat, fearing to <br>be pushed back to Libya – they... =>
...disappeared and are presumed to have died.<br>Though rescued by the El Hiblu 1, the 108 people were not safe. When realising <br>that the merchant vessel moved back toward Libya, the group protested and <br>eventually convinced the crew to steer north. Three of them (15, 16 and 19 years <br>of age at the time) – who we collectively refer to as the ElHiblu3 – acted as trans-<br>lators and mediators between the captain and survivors. Although nobody was <br>injured, the three were immediately arrested upon arrival in Malta and accused <br>of having committed multiple crimes, including acts of terrorism.<br>The ElHiblu3 were imprisoned for seven months before being released on bail in <br>November 2019. Since then, they have to register every day at the police station <br>and attend monthly hearings during which the prosecution seeks to establish <br>the potential charges to be brought forward. If found guilty by a jury in Malta, the <br>three could face a lifetime in prison.
While members of the Maltese police and crew members of the merchant vessel <br>were heard promptly after the landing of the El Hiblu 1, it took the Maltese prose-<br>cution two years to ask the survivors to testify. So far, six survivors have testified, <br>just one of them in their mother tongue. For them it is clear that the ElHiblu3 are <br>innocent. More than that, they are described as heroes who prevented over 100 <br>people from being forced back to Libya, a place where human rights are sys-<br>tematically violated, and people on the move are routinely subjected to torture, <br>rape, incarceration, and extortion.  <br><br>Eine Grafik zeigt die drei von hinten vor einem schwarzen Hintergrund, mit ineinander verschränkten Armen, davor der Text  ELHIBLU3




2½ Jahre nachdem die El Hiblu 1 mit 108 Geretteten in #Malta anlegte, wird 3 jungen Männern weiter Terrorismus vorgeworfen, weil sie den illegalen Pushback nach #Libyen verhinderten.

Heute startet die #FreedomCommission, um @ElHiblu3 in ihrem Kampf um Gerechtigkeit beizustehen.

Freedom Commission calls on Malta <br>to dismiss the trial of the ElHiblu3<br><br>Today, the ElHiblu3 Freedom Commission is launched! It calls on Malta to im-<br>mediately dismiss the proceedings against three young men – the ElHiblu3. <br>Two-and-a-half years after the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1 arrived in Malta <br>with 108 rescued people on board, the prosecution hasn’t formulated an <br>official charge. Upon arrival, the three African teenagers were arrested and <br>accused of a multiplicity of crimes, including acts of terrorism and the hi-<br>jacking of the vessel. Until today, Malta has denied them a fair trial and has <br>violated their basic human rights. <br>In March 2019, some 100 migrants had left Libya in a rubber boat, seeking to <br>escape to Europe. 108 people were rescued from distress by the merchant vessel <br>El Hiblu 1, whose captain was instructed to do so by an aircraft of the operation <br>EUNAVFOR Med. Some of the migrants remained on the rubber boat, fearing to <br>be pushed back to Libya – they...
...disappeared and are presumed to have died.<br>Though rescued by the El Hiblu 1, the 108 people were not safe. When realising <br>that the merchant vessel moved back toward Libya, the group protested and <br>eventually convinced the crew to steer north. Three of them (15, 16 and 19 years <br>of age at the time) – who we collectively refer to as the ElHiblu3 – acted as trans-<br>lators and mediators between the captain and survivors. Although nobody was <br>injured, the three were immediately arrested upon arrival in Malta and accused <br>of having committed multiple crimes, including acts of terrorism.<br>The ElHiblu3 were imprisoned for seven months before being released on bail in <br>November 2019. Since then, they have to register every day at the police station <br>and attend monthly hearings during which the prosecution seeks to establish <br>the potential charges to be brought forward. If found guilty by a jury in Malta, the <br>three could face a lifetime in prison...
While members of the Maltese police and crew members of the merchant vessel <br>were heard promptly after the landing of the El Hiblu 1, it took the Maltese prose-<br>cution two years to ask the survivors to testify. So far, six survivors have testified, <br>just one of them in their mother tongue. For them it is clear that the ElHiblu3 are <br>innocent. More than that, they are described as heroes who prevented over 100 <br>people from being forced back to Libya, a place where human rights are sys-<br>tematically violated, and people on the move are routinely subjected to torture, <br>rape, incarceration, and extortion.  <br><br>Eine Grafik zeigt die drei von hinten vor einem schwarzen Hintergrund, mit ineinander verschränkten Armen, davor der Text  ELHIBLU3




Über 500 #Refugees, gerettet, während europ. Behörden sie im Stich ließen, müssen weiter warten, dass Europa sie an Land lässt.

#AitaMari & #SeaWatch3 fordern von #Malta, #Italien & @EU_Commission, die eigenen Gesetze einzuhalten.


via @FleetCivil




#Seabird #Italien #Malta


🆘 ~49 Menschen sind in Gefahr in der #Malta SAR-Zone!

Sie flohen aus #Libyen und sind auf einem überfüllten Boot in Seenot. Sie brauchen dringend Unterstützung. Behörden sind alarmiert und müssen eine Such- und Rettungsaktion starten.

via @alarm_phone




🆘 Boot in Seenot in der SAR-Zone von #Malta!

@alarm_phone wurde von ~70 Menschen auf 1 Schlauchboot südlich von Malta alarmiert. Wasser dringt in das Boot ein. Sie sind seit 2 Tagen auf See. Die Menschen müssen sofort gerettet werden!



Vom internat. Flughafen #Malta🇲🇹 aus operiert die aktuelle #Frontex-Drohne🛩️🇪🇺 im zentralen #Med (betr. von #Airbus Deutschland🇩🇪); sie führte📡 die sog. 'Libyan Coastguard'🚢🇱🇾 seit Mai diesen Jahres bei mehreren tausend #Pullbacks nach #Libyen.

via @matthimon



🆘 ~25 Menschen in Gefahr!

@alarm_phone erhielt einen Anruf von 1 Boot in Seenot in der SAR #Malta. Unter ihnen sind 7-10 Kinder, von ihnen hat eines eine Behinderung, und 1 Frau, die im Koma liegen soll. Und sie haben Motorprobleme.
Behörden sind informiert. #DontLetThemDrown!



Heute Nachmittag wurde die #ResQPeople im zentralen #Med Zeugin eines völker-und seerechtswirdrigen #Pushbacks durch die sog. 'Libyan Coastguard' in internationalen Gewässern in der SAR #Malta.

via @resqpeople
