

Global Oil Depletion | Alister Hamilton. (2024)
+Rapport du Shift Project pour l' #Europe. (2021)

Aucun traqueur, aucun pisteur.

En mai 2021, le rapport du #ShiftProject, une association française, arrivait à la conclusion que l'Europe sera en pénurie de pétrole « d'ici à 2030 ».

Des recherches menées en Écosse en 2024 semblent confirmer cette analyse et tablent même sur un épuisement du #pétrole au niveau #mondial, jusqu'à la fin de la décennie 2030-2040.

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#Énergie #Global #Oil #Collapse #Effondrement


🎙️GLUCKSMANN LE MYTHO, #EUROPE 2.0 & #GUERRE EN #UKRAINE (avec #GeorgesKuzmanovic) [ #PCAT #S03E19]


00:00:00 - Dans cet épisode
00:01:49 - Introduction
00:03:28 - Partie 1 : Comment #Macron tente de rendre impossible les petits #candidats aux #européennes
00:29:31 - Partie 2 : #Glucksmann n'est pas un camarade
00:38:37 - Partie 3 : Le #conflit en Ukraine : réponses aux détracteurs
00:50:57 - Partie 4 : Comment Macron veut accélérer le #fédéralisme #européen
01:18:33 - Partie 5 : Que voulez-vous faire au #parlement européen ?
01:27:48 - Conclusion



#Belgium wants to strip #refugee status from Palestinian political leader Mohammed Khatib

Born in the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp in #Lebanon, Mohammed has been a refugee his entire life. Recently, on April 15th, 2024, Belgoum's Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Nicole De Moor, announced in a public statement that she would call on the Belgian immigration agency to withdraw the refugee status of Mohammed Khatib due to his political activity in the country as part of the Samidoun movement.

Every fucking country is supporting this genocide. It's just sickening.

#Politics #Genocide #Palestine #Genocide #Europe


"L'Europe, une colonie logicielle de Microsoft", le documentaire toujours d'actualité qui refait surface et crée un énorme buzz sur le net, suite à la migration d'un État fédéral allemand à Linux, LibreOffice

#europe #microsoft #souveraineténumérique

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I bought a book about #birds of #Europe almost 30 years ago when I was in #Sweden, it is one of the best books I have ever bought.

It came so handy even in the #US to identify the family of the birds or sometimes even the right name in #Swedish (to have a comparison).

I am trying to learn the birds in #France and their names in #French with the help of the book and found this image very useful. I have seen many of them here and when I was living south of #Paris.


Why just why is Israel so freaking above all international laws and impune?

Any other country in the world had done even a fraction of the comes Israel have comitted just in the past 6 months (not to mention any of the crime before that) would have been treated like a pariah state, sanctioned and boycotted to total collapse.

But something is making israel untouchable. Is it the Holocaust guilt? Is it blackmail?is if money?

I have been asking those questions all my adult life, starting from the invasion of Lebanon and the Sabra and Chatila massacre that went unpunished even today.

#Europe #EU #Politocs #Economy #Israel #Tecgnology #Genocide #Palestine #Impunity


Not From The Onion: The Ukrainian #Pravda reports: 161 Ukrainian #children abducted by #Russia found in #Germany

Ivan Vygovskiy, Chief of the National Police of #Ukraine, during a meeting in #Berlin with Holger #Münch, President of the German Federal Criminal Police Office, has announced that Ukrainian law enforcement officers in cooperation with German counterparts managed to find 161 Ukrainian children, abducted by #Russia, on German territory.


#Europe #NotTheOnion #UkraineWar #Propaganda



According to the latest draft text of the controversial EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation proposal leaked by the French news organization Contexte, which the EU member states discussed, the EU interior ministers want to exempt professional accounts of staff of intelligence agencies, police and military from the envisaged scanning of chats and messages (Article 1 (2a)). The regulation should also not apply to “confidential information” such as professional secrets (Article 1 (2b)). The EU governments reject the idea that the new EU Child Protection Centre should support them in the prevention of child sexual abuse and develop best practices for prevention initiatives (Article 43(8)).

“The fact that the EU interior ministers want to exempt police officers, soldiers, intelligence officers and even themselves from chat control scanning proves that they know exactly just how unreliable and dangerous the snooping algorithms are that they want to unleash on us citizens,” commented Pirate Party MEP Patrick Breyer.


It just keeps on crawling back time and time again like a freaking zombie

#chatcontrol #Chatkontrolle #chatcontrole #privacy #europe #democracy #surveillance


Bullets not bees: EU ditches green focus ahead of June election

A draft priority list for the next five years goes heavy on defense, barely mentioning climate change.

A quick scan of a leaked EU priority list for the rest of the decade reveals a telling quirk: The only mention of “environment” is a promise to create a “business-friendly #environment.”

Instead, the document — essentially a mood board EU leaders compile every five years to guide the incoming EU executive in Brussels — is littered with references to defense, security and migration. Climate change is barely mentioned. Nature and biodiversity don’t feature at all.

The draft, still subject to change before EU leaders endorse it after the June European Parliament election, reflects months of talks between European Council President Charles Michel and the heads of state and government he represents. And it serves as a neat illustration of their shifting priorities

It’s a marked difference from 2019, the last time EU leaders set out their vision. That “strategic agenda” put climate change front and center, calling it an “existential threat.” One of the #EU’s top four priorities was “building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social #Europe.”

🔗 https://www.politico.eu/article/leaked-eu-priority-list-reveals-absence-climate-change-focus/

#ClimateChange #Ukraine #Election #Politics