

remembering, gotta get off iviv.hu, if wanting share with those who are behind whatever whole-pod blocking bs is going on. ... not like wanting to share with those who are wanting to ignore me, but those who are having that choice unwittingly made for them.

not all well for free speech n free communication in the fediverse. shoulda realised it'd be no surprise there'd be little tyrants wanting that level of control, among podmins. ... another reason why i advocate lowering the bar of self-hosting down to the level of regular use. take the power away from such bad-actor gate-keepers.

#censorship #digitsrants #minirants

(irony not lost on me, making that mini rant while still here on this pod, lol).
(iviv.hu just so handy nice to type, and still had this tab open... lol. okay, maybe i am lazy. lol.)