Hackaday (unofficial) October 4, 2024 6:00am Mobius Keyboard Wastes Little Space #peripheralshacks #googlejapan #japanese #japanesekeyboard #keyboard #mobius #mobiusstrip #ortholinearkeyboard #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Mobius Keyboard Wastes Little Space What is with all the wasted space on keyboards? There’s a whole back side just sitting there doing nothing. But how can you use the back at the same time as the front? Just when we think Goog…
Hackaday (unofficial) January 14, 2024 1:00pm Möbius Tank’s Twisty Treads Became Bendy #transportationhacks #3dprinted #linearactuator #mobius #mobiusstrip #tank #tread #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Möbius Tank’s Twisty Treads Became Bendy [James Bruton]’s unusual Möbius Tank has gotten a little more unusual with the ability to bend itself, which allows it to perform turns even though it is a single-track vehicle. The Möbius Ta…