Hackaday (unofficial) September 30, 2024 7:00pm iPhone 15 Gets Dual SIM Through FPC Patch #iphonehacks #phonehacks #reverseengineering #fpcpatch #iphone #iphone15 #modchip #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 IPhone 15 Gets Dual SIM Through FPC Patch It can often feel like modern devices are less hackable than their thicker and far less integrated predecessors, but perhaps it’s just that our techniques need to catch up. Here’s an ou…
Hackaday (unofficial) July 21, 2024 9:00pm A Modchip for a Fridge #homehacks #555 #fridge #modchip #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 A Modchip For A Fridge An annoying fridge that beeps incessantly when the door is open too long should be an easy enough thing to fix by disconnecting the speaker, but when as with [kennedn]’s model it’s plum…
Hackaday (unofficial) June 30, 2024 9:00pm An Open XBOX Modchip Enters The Scene #homeentertainmenthacks #raspberrypi #reverseengineering #xboxhacks #hackingthexbox #homebrew #modchip #modchips #raspberrypipico #rp2040 #xbox #xboxhack #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 An Open XBOX Modchip Enters The Scene If you’ve ever bought a modchip that adds features to your game console, you might have noticed sanded-off IC markings, epoxy blobs, or just obscure chips with unknown source code. It’s…
Hackaday (unofficial) November 29, 2022 1:00am A Modchip To Root Starlink User Terminals Through Voltage Glitching #raspberrypi #reverseengineering #securityhacks #modchip #rp2040 #voltageglitch #voltageglitching #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 A Modchip To Root Starlink User Terminals Through Voltage Glitching A modchip is a small PCB that mounts directly on a larger board, tapping into points on that board to make it do something it wasn’t meant to do. We’ve typically seen modchips used with…
Hackaday (unofficial) August 29, 2021 12:00am Clearing the Air about Proprietary Consumables with a Xiaomi Filter DRM Resetter #hardware #homehacks #airpurifier #modchip #proprietary #razorandblade #xiaomi #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Clearing The Air About Proprietary Consumables With A Xiaomi Filter DRM Resetter The “razor and blades model” probably set a lot of young hackers on their current trajectory. If we buy a widget, we want to pick our widget refills instead of going back to the manufac…