

Everglades Sampler #2

Sorry they're pared down to medium size (the dragonfly is really cool full-sized)
but I've got limited bandwidth/space. Still sorting through what I've got, as I squeeze camera cards into laptop.

These here are all right in the Everglades, the 'city' or nearby Big Cypress National Preserve - home to the hemisphere's largest Cypress stand. I did some botanical sampling too, air plants/bromeliads. Still to come: sunsets in the marsh.
Wading birds are rather sparse state-wide just now, compared to normal (due to climate/weather) and though I'd have liked to find a few colorful smaller birds (like buntings), I just missed them. (Not an 'early bird'.) Tried out some new angles on sunsets. We'll see.

Happy #Justice Day America, or so it may begin... Hope and spring, spring eternal.

#myphotos #fenfotos #everglades #nature #photography - More/Mas: http://www.fenfotos.com


Dyffryn House 3

Which is the more terrifying plant - the one that it metamorphosing into a brain, or the one that is turning into a spider out to get you...?

© Simon J Ashcroft, 2024; CC-BY-NC-ND
These photos are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

#SJAshcroftsPhotos #MyPhotos #Wales #Dyffryn #Cacti


Schöne und frohe Ostern wünsche ich euch! 🌸🐣🪺🕊❤️

Das Osterfeuer war wie immer, traditionell sehr schön:
bei Musik von unserer Posaunen Orkester, Treffen mit pasr Bekannten und den tollen lodernden Flammen zuschauen... Leider ist der Wetter Umschwung von sonnigen Wetter bis zum Gewitter abends, etwas zu früh gekommen... Sonst würden wir noch nicht zurück zu Hause! 😉👍🔥
#Tradition #Ostern #Osterfest #Osterfeuer #Abendstimmung #Fotos #meineFotos #Osterwünsche #Grüße #mywork #Tradition #Easter #Easter Festival #Easter Fire #Evening Mood #Photos #myPhotos #Easter Wishes #Greetings