

Since Christmas is over and we are in the new year, it was time to take down the tree with its decorations and decide the winner of this year's fight.
Lulu and the tree fighting
Lulu fought hard, but wiser from mistakes I made last year, I had hardened the decoration against her attacks.
Lulu and the tree fighting
So this year the tree and I won, Lulu lost. I do however not expect her to be very sad about it, after all she had a lot of fun.
Lulu and the tree fighting
#Caturdayeveryday #myphoto #mytree #mycat


Here we see Picea abies, the common Christmas tree, in its natural habitat. For one month each year it lives in symbiosis with Homo sapiens sapiens, the rest of the time it is dormant. As soon as it is not dormant however, it encounters its fiercest predator, Felis catus, the common house cat. Encounters between these two are often fatal.
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#Caturday #myphoto #mycat #mytree