

))) #alt-banking© (((

Here's something to noodle on.

With the "establishment" banking companies cancelling anyone who
is not a #marxist; (even going as far as #paypal to simply keep your funds
as well, for the crime of not being a marxist) ...

How do you create a banking system, without debt?

Include "currency" in your answer.
It can Not be all #barter.

In the barter times -- everyone could kinda do what everyone else did.
If you had to you could grow food. Or learn to shoe a horse.
The value of bartered items was KINDA equal.

Today, if I want to barter for, say, a car, my skill-set may not KINDA
equal the value of a car; short of ten years of indentured servitude.

The #currency aspect allows for a smoother transition from the current (((banks))) & system.


#banks #banking #banksters and #not-banksters