

We're going to have another plandemic, and they are using the heart problems caused by the last poison shots to promote it! These greedy people have no shame, no morals, no ethics, no conscience.
#notavacine #clot-shot #anotherplandemic

The largest magazine in America is the AARP magazine. AARP stands for The American Association of Retired Persons —and their monthly magazine reaches an estimated 38 million members every single month.
And in the most recent edition of the magazine, they told their nearly 38 million members to “hustle” over and get another COVID, even if they’ve already had 5 boosters.
And this suggestion comes just in time, as scientists are now sounding a new alarm, and warning people that the latest variant of COVID might lead to a global “heart failure pandemic.”
Meaning, that if all of a sudden you see people falling left and right due to heart failure—well, that’s definitely not what you think it is. It’s actually the latest variant of COVID.