nytimes September 8, 2021 11:00am The N.F.L. Made Some Changes Since the Last Time You Watched #football #uniforms #gambling #officiatingsports #videorecordingsdownloadsandstreaming #television #nationalfootballleague #hoyerbrian #news The N.F.L. Made Some Changes Since the Last Time You Watched Unfamiliar jersey numbers, penalties for anything that seems like trash-talking, gambling everywhere. These changes will incite double takes this season.
nytimes September 2, 2021 12:00pm College Football Rule Changes for 2021 #footballcollege #officiatingsports #sportsinjuries #instantreplaysports #news College Football Changes: More 2-Point Tries and a Crackdown on Stadium Gamesmanship Officials made some tweaks to the rule book for 2021. Next year, though, could bring much more rewriting.
nytimes September 2, 2021 10:00am Before Balls and Strikes, Umpires Make a Call to Pray #baseball #officiatingsports #prayersandprayerbooks #majorleaguebaseball #barrettted1965 #news Before Balls and Strikes, Umpires Make a Call to Pray For more than a decade, a group of Major League Baseball’s umpires has convened by phone to pursue spiritual solace.
nytimes August 21, 2021 10:00am For Volunteer Umpires, Little League World Series in the Pinnacle #littleleagueworldseries #officiatingsports #littleleaguebaseballandsoftball #espn #williamsportpa #news The Little League World Series Is the Pinnacle for the Umpires, Too The players dream of nationally televised glory. But for the nervous and excited volunteer umpires, the goal is to go unnoticed.
nytimes May 25, 2021 11:00pm Joe West to Break Record for Games Umpired #baseball #officiatingsports #recordsandachievements #majorleaguebaseball #westjoe #news A History of Baseball’s Modern Era in Four Umpires With Joe West breaking Bill Klem’s record for games, a look at four umpires who can connect 1905 to 2021.